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Learning Experiences

Year 4 Working Walls

Week Beginning 11/02/19 Numeracy - Decimal Numbers

Week Beginning 11/02/19 Numeracy - 3D Shape

Week beginning 11/02/19 Literacy - Descriptive Writing

Week Beginning 04/02/19 Numeracy - Angles

Week Beginning 04/02/19 Literacy - Diary Writing

Week Beginning 28/01/19 Numeracy - Multiplication & Division

Week Beginning 28/01/19 Literacy - Presentations

Week Beginning 21/01/19 Numeracy - Multiplication

Week Beginning 14/01/19 Literacy - Non Chronological Reports

Week Beginning 14/01/19 Numeracy - Rounding

Week Beginning 07/01/19 Literacy - Non Chronological Reports

Week Beginning 07/01/19 Numeracy - Addition & Subtraction

Prince William Award


Our Year 4 pupils have been selected to participate in The Prince William Award this academic year. This programme is designed to help six to 14-year-olds to develop the confidence, resilience and inner strength to ‘dare to be their best self’.


SkillForce is a national education charity, employing predominantly ex-servicemen and women to deliver The Prince William Award in schools. HRH, Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge is the royal patron. A SkillForce instructor will be coming into school once per week to run a series of workshops, sessions and projects that will encourage your child to understand and reflect on the importance of key character traits like resilience, self-belief, team-work and confidence.


This is achieved through your child taking part in interactive games and activities, community projects and reflective learning, all of which follow a scheme of work that has been developed and evaluated by some of the country’s top universities and educationalists.


At the end of the programme, if your child has developed the qualities that underpin The Prince William Award, they will achieve the prestigious certificate and badge at a graduation ceremony.  We expect that each child will improve their character and resilience to enhance attitudes to learning.
