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Welcome to Reception


Thank you for visiting our Reception Class page

The Reception Staff is as follows:
Class Teachers - Mrs E Coleman (3 days), Mrs G Coleman (2 days)
Miss L Thoele
Support  Staff - Mrs A Johnson, Mrs B Maidment, Miss E Tapper

Our context for learning during this Summer half term is ‘Under the sea.’
These are some of the things that children in Reception Class will be involved in during this half term:

Language, Literacy and Communication

Write a list of things they would take to the beach.
Write about their visit to the 'aquarium'.
Describing different animals.
Rhyming words
Read big book -  'Suddenly'.and write instructions for making a shadow puppet.
Read and re-tell the story of ‘Light house keeper's lunch'.
Read and act out the story of ‘Rainbow fish.’
ICT - Phonic games and letter formation.
Sound games, letter formation, interactive games, stories, songs and rhymes, poems.
Make and break words with the sounds learnt.
Speaking and listening - Circle times, Story times, Class and group discussions, Role-play.

We are pleased with children’s progress in reading. Please keep up the good work of reading with your child at home and signing their Home Reader’s Record Book regularly.
Mathematical Development

Number recognition
Number formation
Find one more or one less than a number from 1 to 10.
Counting on from a given number
Money - recognise, sort and use coins of different values
Find totals and work out change from up to 10p
Using the language of direction
Find items from positional/directional clues
Instruct a programmable toy
Describe a simple journey

Personal and Social Development

Talk about children’s feelings through a variety of stories.
How they feel in certain situations.
‘Being a good friend’ – talk about qualities needed to make a good friend. Children talk about their friends.
Snack time – Circle time
Value - Happiness

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Discuss seaside long ago-compare now and then
Discuss and talk about keeping safe in the sun.
Concept of floating and sinking
Learn about 'shadows'
Draw around their shadow at different times of day What has changed?
Life in a rock pool- create own rock pool
Senses- find hidden objects by touch ,describe objects to others before showing object Guess what it is by touch and then description.

Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig

Welsh phrase of the week
Welsh songs
Develop the learning of seaside vocabulary
Responding to questions

Physical Development

Develop fine and gross motor skills through a variety of activities including;
            Parachute games
            Ball games
            Outdoor activities
            Sports day

Creative Development

Music express
Design a T-shirt
Art work for 'Under the sea' display.
Drawings and paintings of sea creatures
Learn and sing songs about 'under the sea'.

Polite Reminders:

It is school policy that uniform should be worn.
Please label all clothes.
Snack - we provide a healthy daily snack. Please remember Snack Money is a £1 a week, payable on a Monday.

PE -

Mrs E Coleman’s P.E day is Wednesday.
Miss Thoele’s P.E day is Tuesday.
Please send in PE kit for indoors – shorts and T-shirt. Children do PE in bare feet. PE kits can stay in school for the Half Term.

- each week pupils will be given one activity to complete at home in their Homework Book.

We hope that you have found the above information useful and thank you for your continued help and support.
Reception team

Dates for diary:

10th June - Trip to ‘Bristol Aquarium’
11th June – p.m. Sports Day
18th July- last day of term.