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Year 1

Croeso i Flwyddyn 1!
Welcome to Year 1!


Thank you for visiting our Year 1 web page. We hope you find it useful. The teachers in Year 1 are Miss Ridout and Mrs Richards, with Miss Smith and Mrs Casseldine also supporting learning in our class.

Year 1 Curriculum overview – Summer 2013

Our context for learning (topic) for this half of the Summer Term is Greenfingers. Here is an overview of some of the things that your child will be experiencing at Glyncoed Primary school.

Language, Literacy and Communication Development

Children will continue to develop their writing skills by writing facts about life-cycles, changes and plant and animal growth. They will write instructions on how to plant a seed and use their I.C.T. skills to word process these instructions and create an information booklet.

Children will continue to develop spelling and phonic skills by following the “Letters and Sounds” scheme and the “Nessy” spelling scheme. 

Children will be taught to form and join their letters correctly following our “Penpals” handwriting scheme.

Children will be taught reading and phonic skills in a group. A book, of a similar level, will be sent home for you to help your child with their reading (please read the “Read at home with your child” leaflet for more information on supporting your child which was sent home at the beginning of the school year). We hope that your children are enjoying the newly purchased ‘Bug Club’ reading books. Please take time to complete the activities that are on the inside covers of the books with your child. You can also access ‘Bug Club’ reading books online. Please ask your child’s teacher if you need their login details.

Speaking and Listening 
Children will have lots of opportunities to discuss their ideas during role-play, pupil voice and circle time.

Mathematical Development
Number work
To continue to develop an understanding of the relationships between addition and subtraction.
To continue to solve 'real-life' problems involving money (change).

  • To add 'teen' numbers
  • To count on in 2s or 5s up to 100
  • To begin to recognise odd and even numbers up to at least 20
  • Exchange coins up to 10p
  • Find totals of sets of coins and give change.

Personal & Social Development, Well-Being & Cultural Diversity
This term we will be finding out about:

  • The values of Freedom
  • The SEAL topic of ‘Changes'
  • Special Books (R.E.)

Knowledge and understanding of the World – All around the World.
To observe the life-cycle of a frog.
To identify plants and flowers in the local area.
To plant flowers and seeds in the garden area.

Welsh Language Development
To learn about 'Y Teulu', 'The family', in Welsh and to continue to use incidental Welsh in the classroom.

Creative Development
We will experiment with different sounds to create a 'Summer Day' scene. Music to represent a soft wind, bird sounds and children playing in the park. We will compose and perform.

Physical Development
This half term we will be focussing on relay and team games in preparation for our Sports Day.

  • Mrs Richards’s class have P.E on Wednesday and Miss Ridout’s class have P.E on Fridays.
  • Please can all children bring in a pair of shorts, T-shirt and trainers.
  • Please label all clothing clearly.
  • Your child may leave their kit in school for the whole half term.
  • No jewellery.

Outdoor Learning
Learning in the foundation phase isn’t restricted to the four walls of the classroom. This term we will be continuing to develop the Year One outdoor area in order to extend and enhance the children’s learning experiences. Some examples of how we will be using the outdoor area this half term are:

  • Planting seeds and flowers.
  • Creating seed pictures.
  • Playing with soil in the tuff spot.
  • Creating sunflower paintings using their hands and mixing colours.
  • Using our new 'Garden Centre' role play area.
  • Creating plants and flowers using different materials in the sand area.

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know! 

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
