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Year 3 2014-2015

Croeso i Flwyddyn Tri!

Mr Searle, Mrs Salmon and Mrs McCrann would like to welcome you all to our Year Three Class page.  Here you will find all the information you need about the exciting things that will be happening in Year Three in 2014/15.  Please click on the links below to learn about our class topics and for parents information such as PE days.

We hope you find it useful. Please come and ask if there is anything else you would like to know!

GAMES is now on Monday and PE is now on Wednesday.  Please could you ensure your child has their kit in school for these days. Your child will need a kit bag with a pair of shorts or tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and trainers. Please label all clothing clearly. No jewellery is to be worn.




In Key Stage Two your child reads several times a week, either in Guided Group Reading sessions, through reading interventions or in individual reading sessions.

Our expectation is that you help your child with their reading at least three times a week.  We would like you to write a comment in their home reading record book. This is to let us know how they are getting on at home.


Please could you make sure that your child brings their book-bag to school every day. 


Thank you.



Class Trips


Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Wastesavers Recycling Centre in Newport! We were able to watch how recycling takes place and interact with their 5 recycling stations to put our recycling skills to the test!




Year 3 children will be given one formal piece of homework each Friday which is to be completed in their homework learning books. In addition to this homework children will have spellings to learn and a home reading book. We ask for homework learning books to be completed and returned each Wednesday.



Your child may bring a piece of fruit to school to have each playtime. Please could you provide your child with a bottle of water every day with their name on it. The children can take this home at the end of each day to be refilled.



Latest News


Year 3 will be heading to At-Bristol for our Summer Term trip on Thursday 14th May. Please bring in your permission slips as soon as possible



3rd March 2015. Well done class 3MS! Great class assembly today- you sang, spoke and acted brilliantly! Mrs Salmon and Mrs McCrann are very proud of your great effort!

You 'rocked'!

@ Bristol Trip May 2015

Year 3 Maths Workshop

Year 3 work

ICT lessons using Scratch
