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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
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Attendance Information


Glyncoed Primary School Attendance Coordinator: Mrs R O'Connor, Deputy Headteacher 

School Cluster Attendance Officer: Deborah Jenkins

Why attendance matters


We believe attendance at school is key to a successful and fulfilling school experience. Regular attendance at school promotes pupils’ well-being, maximises progress in learning and helps pupils reach their potential both now and in their future lives. A child’s success at school is likely to be affected negatively if their attendance is poor. Those who do not attend regularly may fall behind in their learning, leading to underachievement, both academically and socially.


All children have the right to education, based on equality of opportunity, and Glyncoed Primary School, in partnership with parents and other parties, must take measures to encourage regular school attendance and reduce rates of absenteeism.


How each day absence impacts on your child's overall attendance percentages?


Number of days absent from school

Child’s attendance at the end of the year

If your child has 1 day off school during the year

…their attendance will be 99.5%

If your child has 2 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 99%

If your child has 5 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 97.4%

If your child has 10 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 95%

If your child has 15 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 92.4%

If your child has 20 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be 90% and school will regularly monitor attendance and with the School Attendance Officer

If your child has more than 20 days off school during the year

…their attendance will be below 90% and school will be I contact with the School Attendance Officer and Education Welfare Service. This may lead to sanctions, court and penalties against the parents



Everyday counts but every minute is equally important. ​Did you know? Being 15 minutes late each day over the school year is the same as missing 2 weeks of school. 

It is important that children arrive in school on time every day and for a number of reasons.

• It is the legal responsibility of parent/carers to ensure that children attend their school, including arriving and being collected on time each day. • If a child is late, they miss important information about the activities for the day.

• A child that is late or collected early will have gaps in their learning.

• Children that arrive on time are able to talk to their friends before school and settle into the school day with them.

• A child who is arriving late to school or being collected late from school may feel sad, embarrassed, or unsettled.

• A child that is not attending school for the agreed arrival and departure times disrupts staff and other children.


It is very important your child arrives on time for school. School starts at 8.55am. Anyone arriving after 9am will be considered late and must come through the main entrance. If your child arrives after 9.25am the register will be closed and this will be counted as an unauthorised absence. 


Top Tips for being on Time.

• establish good bedtime routines so your child has enough sleep, and doesn't struggle to get out of bed in the morning,

• invest in a good alarm clock - and engage your child with setting it each evening!

• establish good morning routines,

• make sure they have breakfast,

• prepare lunches and snacks the night before,

• put out uniform the night before,

• pack school bags the night before,

• leave bag and shoes near the front door,

• get into the habit of completing home learning in the evening keep keys in the same place so they are easy to find,

• build in a 'time cushion', leaving home in plenty of time in case of delays in the journey.


We are not permitted to authorise holidays, therefore these will be recorded as an unauthorised absence due to taking a holiday in term time.

 If your child is going to miss school because of a holiday please inform school.
