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Senedd Glyncoed

Glyncoed Senedd 2023-2024

Glyncoed Senedd 2023-2024

The A-Team

Meet our attendance A-Team…

We are responsible for monitoring whole school attendance and updating the attendance percentages for each class. We meet with Mrs Williams each Monday to collect the attendance data. We then analyse the figures to calculate the classes with best attendance in Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2. We are also responsible for updating the attendance display in the hall, which we report on each in week in our Senedd assembly.

Senedd Glyncoed 

Pupil Parliament 2020-2021

Logo competition WINNER for SNAG

Our S.N.A.G. is generating some fantastic new ideas this term! The new S.N.A.G. group is now monitoring break time snack choices and educating Glyncoed School on healthier food choices. To help with this, we are encouraging children to enjoy a daily snack of

'100 Calories or Less' to help our children take control of their own nutrition and nutritional knowledge. 


S.N.A.G. are also doing a logo competition throughout KS2 to create a new, better and more eye-catching logo for our group. The winner will be selected soon...


Send us some of your great S.N.A.G. ideas.  

Pupil Wellbeing Questionnaire Results- 

98% of pupils feel safe in school

97% of pupils said that the school deals well with any bullying

100% of pupils know who to talk to if they are worried or upset

99%of pupils said that the school teaches them how to be healthy

100%of pupils said that there are lots of chances to get regular exercise

98% of pupils said that they are doing well at school

100% of pupils said that teachers and other adults in the school help them

 to learn and make progress

99% of pupils know what to do and who to ask If they find their work hard

98% of pupils said that their homework helps them to understand

and improve their work

99% of pupils said they have enough books, equipment, and computers

 to do their work

97%of pupils said that other children behave well and they can get their

 work done

95% pupils said that nearly all children behave well at playtime and lunch time

98% of pupils said their voice is being heard by the school through the Pupil Parliament

Voices of Glyncoed - Debate at Lysfaen Primary School Friday 14th October

Outdoor Learning

Results from pupil voice questionnaire


We are looking to improve our outdoor learning space at Glyncoed Primary School. As you are aware we asked for parental input through a questionnaire that was sent out in March. We had a very positive response with 100% of parents feeling that their child would benefit from taking part in outdoor learning. We also conducted a child-friendly questionnaire. The questionnaire was put together by the school’s SSAG group. We found that 90% of the children across the school believed that outdoor learning would be both enjoyable and beneficial. We asked each class what resources they would like to use when outdoors. We found that 82% of children would enjoy using sport equipment at playtime and nearly 50% of children would like board games at lunchtime. We also asked for ideas on how to fully utilise our field. We found that 80% of children would like a running area and 50% of children would like a sheltered area or a quiet area. The ideas that the children produced will be very helpful when producing our plan for improving our outdoor area and we hope to incorporate many of the children's responses.

Pupil Wellbeing Questionnaire Results- March 16

99% of pupils feel safe in school

98% of pupils said that the school deals well with any bullying

99% of pupils know who to talk to if they are worried or upset

99%of pupils said that the school teachers them how to be healthy

100%of pupils said that there are lots of chances for me to get regular exercise

96% of pupils said that they are doing well at school

100%of pupils said that teachers and other adults in the school help them

 to learn and make progress

99% of pupils know what to do and who to ask If they find their work hard

93% of pupils said that their homework helps them to understand

and improve their work

98% of pupils said they have enough books, equipment, and computers

 to do their work

93%of pupils said that other children behave well and they can get their

 work done

98% pupils said that nearly all children behave well at playtime and lunch time

97% of pupils said their voice is being heard by the school through the school council

School Standards Action Group (S.S.A.G)

We have been very busy monitoring standards of attendance, literacy and wellbeing!

Pupils are now more involved with planning for educational trips, topic launches and themed days. Pupils have selected the topics that they would like to study this year and regularly input into their teachers planning.


Supporting evidence (Cornerstones questionnaire March 16)-

  • 99% of pupils said that their class have had input into planning school trips linked to their chosen topic
  • 98% of pupils said that they like having a half-termly homework project linked to their new topic
  • 100% of pupils said that their teachers ask them about what they would like to learn


Supporting evidence (Pupil Wellbeing Questionnaire March 16)-

  • 97% of pupils said their voice is being heard by the school council



Supporting evidence (Pupil Voice Day Questionnaire February 16)-

  • 98% of pupils said that they had a say in the planning for pupil voice day
  • 99% of pupils said that pupil voice has improved this year
  • 99% of pupils said that they would like to have another Pupil Voice Day

Minutes of our meetings


S.C.A.G Action Plan 2015-16

S.S.A.G Action Plan 2015-16

S.N.A.G Action Plan 2015-16

View our Christmas Class Funds!

School Toilets Action Group (S.T.A.G)

School Nutrition Action Group 



Healthy Eating Workshop for parents - Tuesday 16th June


School Cymraeg Action Group (S.C.A.G)
School Wellbeing Action Group (S.W.A.G)

Our Definition of Bullying

Bullying is when someone who has difficulties in defending him/herself is deliberately hurt or harmed and this may be repeated over some time.


Deliberately means that even though we know our actions and words hurt, we do or say hurtful things anyway.


The victim might be smaller or weaker


Bullying is one sided and is unfair!




Kind to everyone

Include everyone

Victim will be safe

Anyone can join in


Digital Leaders

Pupil Wellbeing Questionnaire - Results May 2015


98% of pupils at Glyncoed feel safe in school

96% of pupils think the school deals well with any bullying

100% of pupils know who to talk to if they’re worried or upset

99% of pupils believe that the school teaches them how to be healthy

99% of pupils think that there are lots of chances for them to get regular exercise

97% of pupils know that they are doing well at school

100% of pupils said that the teachers and other adults in the school help them to learn and make progress

98% of pupils know what to do and who to ask If they find their work difficult

96% of pupils said homework helps them to understand and improve their work

96% of pupils think that they have enough books, equipment, and computers to do their work

94% of pupils said that children behave well and they can get their work done

97% of pupils said that nearly all children behave well at playtime and lunch time

90% of pupils said that their voice is being heard by the school through the school council
