Latest News
Mr Perrins and Mrs Dumont have been re-elected as Chair and Vice Chair of Governors for another year. Congratulations to you both.
An Overview of the Governing Body
Chair of Governors - Mr Mark Perrins (Community Governor)
Vice Chair of Governors - Mrs Rebecca Dumont (Parent Governor)
The ‘Education Act 2002’ states that ‘the governing body shall conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’.
We establish the strategic framework by:
Our Governing Body is made up of thirteen members.
As part of our meetings, we regularly hear from staff and pupils e.g. Senedd Glyncoed, who present to governors regarding matters such as progress on school priorities and the work of pupil action groups.
We have three core committees: Finance & Staffing; Curriculum & Policies (incorporating Standards); Premises and Health & Safety. Membership of these committees is agreed annually by governors at the first meeting of every academic year.