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Eco Club

Some posters created by our Eco Committee to motivate children to participate in our whole school Eco Project! They are very eye catching and colourful.

Our Whole School Project - Think Green: KS2 were in charge of making bug hotels. We have spread them across our school community. Let us know if you spot any!

Our Whole School Project - Think Green: Foundation Phase were in charge of making bird feeders. We hung them in our outdoor areas all around the school. We have already spotted lots of birds!

Eco Warriors preparing posters to inform the school of our upcoming School Project - Bug Hotels/Bird Feeders

Eco Meeting - Discussing a target from the Action Plan. (Whole school approach: Bird feeders and Bug Hotels)

Our Next Eco Challenge - (more information coming soon!)

29.01.2024. - Governors Meeting Complete!

Our First Meeting - Minutes

Our New Eco Committee

Eco Club have Updated our Eco Code



We are proud to announce that the Eco-Committee is up and running!
Our successful candidates for 2023-2024 are...


1/2M- Harry

1/2D - Freya

3B- Summer

3T- Ava-Mae

4M- Jordan

4L- Mtab

5M- Holly

5J - Jawaad

6M- Amna

6S - Helen 


Congratulations! Stay tuned for more updates :)


Miss Mapstone and Miss Davies



Eco Club  28.4.2022


This week, we have handed out a lot of badges, and we’re all immensely proud of the people who did earn their badge. We will continue now with Travel Tracker and now have the last topic we’re focusing on which is of course... the school grounds! We still want people to stay as green as possible and would like to hear your ideas.  


Lilith Chaffin Eco Secretary 


Eco Club Update 31.3.2022


Travel Tracker

On Thursday, Eco Club gave out the first badges to our Active Travellers. Many children have continued or begun to walk to school more frequently in response to the challenge. Remember that even if you have to drive to school, if you park two streets away and walk around 10 minutes, you can record your journey as Park and Stride. Please keep walking, saving fuel and being healthy!


Weekly Challenge

Well done to Fikayo (5M), Pirzha (6G), Niall (5W) and Maya (Y1) who were last week’s winners! This week’s challenge is to create a nature bingo game. Please see SeeSaw for more details.


Mrs Mount


Eco Club 24.3.2022


This week, we have focussed on checking how Eco Friendly how school is being at the moment. We have reviewed the classrooms and toilets. We found that most classrooms are recycling and disposing correctly. However, we also saw that many classrooms are leaving lights on when they should be switched off. The best classroom was nursery and the best toilets were the Year 3 Cabin Toilets – Well done Nursery and Year 3L!


Lilith Chaffin 

Eco Club Secretary 


Eco Club 16.3.2022


On Monday 12th March ,we went with Gareth from Keep Wales Tidy to do a local litter pick. On the way we found 4 Plastic bags of litter. Mostly found in the bushes, we noticed cigarette pips, glass bottles and even some moldy bread! The point is, 4 bags of litter is too much, and that was local! My message to all parents is to Stop, Drop, And Pick. This means to stop what you’re doing if you’ve dropped something and pick it up! I know that some parents or carers don’t litter but we just need to encourage more people to stop dropping litter and pick it up! 


Lilith Chaffin 

Eco Club Secretary 


Eco Club 9.3.2022


Eco Club are excited to be helping Keep Wales Tidy on Monday. We will be working with them to collect litter around the school’s area. We will take part in this regularly over the next 12 months and contribute our data of how much is collected to Cardiff Council.


Next week, we will start using Travel Tracker to monitor how children are travelling to school. Please see the attached letter for more information.


Poster Competition – Entries need to be given in by Thursday 17th March ready for judging.




Eco Club Update 3.3.2022


Eco Club are pleased to announce our new partnership with Litter Free Zones. We will be working to help make the environment around the school a cleaner place. We will record how much litter we collect to inform the council.

This week’s challenge is to design a poster to display on the school gates, reminding passers-by to put their litter in the bin. The winner will proudly see their poster helping our community.




Eco Club Update 16.2.2022


This week, we have sent our new Eco Action Plan, which has our three main areas for focus, to share with you. Please complete our Eco Questionnaire, by scanning the QR code in the newsletter, and suggest any ideas that we could add to our plan or ideas you have about helping the school become eco-friendlier! This week’s challenge is to create your own Action Plan at home. Please share your efforts on SeeSaw.

Mrs Mount


Eco Update 1.2.2022


We have read all of the Seesaw responses and for that we’ll carry on the challenge for one more week.

(remember if you don’t get a high score, you can always do more to help the planet!)

We can declare that we have had some fantastic results, and were proud to announce that year 5W 

Have had the highest results in being ECO friendly. Well done to those in 5W!

Don’t forget to have a look at seesaw, and remember to have a look at the document to have one more try at staying ECO friendly.  


From Lilith The ECO Secretary                    


Eco Club 21.1.2022 


There has been much excitement this week as year 2-6 have held their Eco Elections. Many children put their names forward and shared their ideas for sustainability. Mrs Mount is looking forward to next week’s meeting with her new team.

Litter Poster Winners!

Eco Club Action Plan

Litter Free Zone March 2022 - Year 5M and Eco Club have been helping our local area.

Glyncoed Primary Eco Committee

Welcome to our Eco Committee Page

We are a like minded group of children and adults who are working together to improve the quality of our school environment. Our goal is to promote environmental awareness as part of school life and in doing so we hope to decreasing Glyncoed's eco footprint.



Mrs Mount is very excited to get started on our Eco Action Plan with all of the new members of this fantastic club!


Stay tuned here for more updates and read our weekly minutes which we will be publishing live!

Useful Links and Contacts:

Welsh Assembly Government -  

Keep Wales Tidy - 

Countryside Council for Wales - 

Environment Agency Wales - 

Foundation for Environmental Education - 

NetRegs (Guidance on Environmental Regulations) - 

National Botanic Garden of Wales - 

National Museums and Galleries of Wales - 

SCAN project - 

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - 

National trust Office for Wales - 

Friends of the Earth Cymru -

Oxfam Cymru - 

Young Peoples Trust for the Environment - 

WWF Cymru - 

Wales Carbon Footprint - 


National Wetlands Centre Wales - 

Wildlife Trust- 


Sustainable Wales - 

Eco Club Minutes 2021-2022

Themed Weeks 2021-2022

We identified the different plants and flowers around our school grounds during Spring

Glyncoed Primary School - Eco Action Plan for 2018-2018

What's Under our Feet Investigation?

Forest Schools: Forest School is an innovative and inspiring approach to learning and development which offers people of all ages opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences during regular visits to a local woodland site.

Glyncoed Primary Eco Schools Action Plan 2017-2018

Eco Activities 2016-2017 Report

In Eco Club we do wide range of things that are concerned with environmental issues that come to our 21st century world so that our school will be one of the best in the country. As a school we do the best we can to keep a high reputation. This year we have taken part a lots of things like litter picking for our I-Can Eco Challenge, dealing with the problem of ‘Litter’ and learning about renewable energy in our Solar Energy workshops. We earned £250 for taking part in the ‘Litterless Project ‘ with Keep Wales Tidy which included us creating materials for a display on our problem and what we can do to solve it. All classes supported this project and we took the display to The National Museum of Wales where the public could talk to our pupils and try some of the activities that we developed. We have also been promoting saving energy throughout the school and by monitoring classes daily the pupils who have been Eco Warriors in the classroom. We give out the Energy Saving Penguin Awards each week in assembly to honour the winning classes. We also renewed our Platinum Eco Status for another year which was a great achievement and reflects our hard work and dedication to making a difference in our school and community.

A site for children with information, tips, quizzes etc on the world around the and how to look after it.

Free downloadable packs on how to look after the environment around us

Family Litter Pick March 7th

Eco Committee-Fun with nature

Eco Committee News Wednesday January 31st 2018

Today we had a meeting to discuss ideas for the Spring Term programme. Mrs Chapman told us about signing up with' The Welsh School of Architecture' to investigate the ecological impact of school buildings on the environment. This will add to our understanding of energy usage and how to make a difference in our school. We will be carrying out a Family Litter Pick to highlight 'Waste Week' on the 7th March...all welcome. We plan to deliver a 'Recycling Assembly' in class to the whole school-need to organise.



Eco Committee News Wednesday February 7th 2018

Today we carried out a school grounds inspection and litter pick. We were very pleasantly surprised that we only collected around half a bag of litter-which still included the odd crisp packet. Some litter included cans and bottles were thrown over the fence into our school.

Everyone enjoyed carrying out the litter pick.


Eco Committee News Wednesday 14th February 2018

Today we made posters to advertise the Family Litter Pick. The posters were collected and the Energy Monitors agreed to hang them up in suitable places in the school. Mr Green was asked to put the event on our Twitter page.


Eco Committee News Wednesday 28th February 2018

Meeting was cancelled due to the risk of snow.



Eco Committee News Wednesday 7th March 2018


Eco Committee News

Tuesday 17th October 2017:

Eco Committee were split into 4 amazing groups that re-created the Eco logo out of sticks and leaves. We had one year girl six from football club to choose a winner, she found it really hard to decide. After a long time of judging she finally found a winner (Group 1 and 2) this was a very fun activity to do (even though we ended up with muddy hands! And leaves stuck on our backs) we really enjoyed it!

Energy Saving Awards-Whole School-Week by Week-Winning Classes

Eco Committee News

Tuesday 24th October 2017

This week we have done our Eco code what we have to update every two years. We had two groups of 7 and 8 they both made there own Eco codes. They both had amazing ideas we have one that had Glyncoed going down it and enough have Eco Rules going down. We had a vote to pick which one would suite the Eco Code. The Eco Rules one won! But we are still using some of the other groups ideas. Get ready for our new Eco code! This is the New and updated Eco Code!

Glyncoed Primary School -ECO CODE 2017-2019

Enjoy walking to school

Community nature matters

Our world is precious to all

Reduce reuse recycle

Understand how to keep healthy

Litter-less lunch is good for the environment

Energy save it



Eco Committee News

Tuesday 7th November

We made Save Energy signs to go around the school to remind pupils and staff to switch off any lights that are not needed. Then we laminated them and placed them around the school.

Eco Committee News

Tuesday 14th November

This week  we went litter picking! After that we went to the forest school area and measured the planks of wood we sit on that are held up but our new logs and now it is time to get new planks of wood to sit on, for outdoor lessons. Because they are damp and a little bit mouldy, so some mushrooms have popped up around the area.


Eco Committee News

Tuesday 21st November

We had some branches for den building donated and delivered by the Cardiff Urban Rangers . Sadly they were opposite where we needed them to be so The Eco Committee moved them to where they needed to be! After that we played a couple games of bird hide ‘n’ seek where we have to hide 5 FAKE birds (don’t worry we aren’t savages) So after one or two rounds of the game we had a winner it was team 4. This week in The Eco Committee we went to the forest school area again!



