Become a Hwb Hero!
Hwb Heroes Assemble! A call to children and young people to become Hwb Heroes
Wales Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, has launched an initiative to get the children and young people of Wales using their creativity to spread positive and entertaining messages online to older people who are currently self-isolating due to the Covid-19 lockdown.
If you want to take part in this, please follow the link below:
It would also be great if you send your messages to Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Eadie to put in our newsletters too!
This week, please read the comprehension on page 10 and complete the answer questions on page 11 of your comprehension book.
Remember to read the text carefully before looking at the questions. Underline any key information if it helps you to remember it.
This week please complete page 7 of your grammar book.
Group 1 spellings need to work on page 7 as well as learn the attached spelling list.
Group 2 need to learn the attached list and put the words into interesting sentences.
This week, please complete the abacus test.
Remember you can do pictures and working out to help you.
This week, please work on page 15 of the Penpals book.
Look at the examples on the page first and copy their joins.
Creative Writing
At the end of the First World War a day of commemoration was created to remember the dead. War memorials exist in nearly every city, town and village to record the names of the men who died in the First World war. Every year at the Remembrance Service, poppy wreaths are laid there. Read through the Power points to gain a better understanding of this before completing the creative task.
Make a poppy out of different materials you have at home.
Write down set by set instructions on how you make your poppy. There is a power point to help you recap the features of instructions and a list of time conjunctions to support you if needed.
How to make a poppy
Are you ever worried about your creativity skills? If so, do not despair. Help is at hand. We are all creative in our own ways. Read these instructions and soon will know how to be creative and make a fabulous poppy.
What you need:
Red tissue paper, black tissue paper, cotton bud, green acrylic paint, scissors and tape.
What you do:
First take the cotton wool off one end of the cotton bud and paint the cotton bud green.
Then cut out one black circle and make a small hole in the middle.
After than snip around the circle to make a fringe effect.
When the cotton bud is dry, put the end of the stick through the hole in the black circle.
Next using the red tissue paper cut out four red petals. Make sure you put a hole at the end of the petal.
In the end put the cotton bud stick through the hole in the petal and push up to meet the black circle.
Finally repeat for all the petals and arrange them to make a flower shape.
A final note of warning:
Make sure you place tape at the base of the petals to hold it all in place.