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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
Telephone 02920 733694

18th May 2020


  1. Practice the 10 spelling words of the week using the read, cover, write method.
  2. Complete Spelling book pg.30 'Spelling words starting with wh'
  3. High Frequency Word sets have also been uploaded which correspond to the 'yellow words' you would normally find in the back of their home learning record - your child should continue to learn these set by set.


  1. Reading comprehension book pg.9 'In the garden'
  2. All children have been assigned books on their BugClub account according to their appropriate level.



  1. Grammar book pg.16 'Writing task 1'


  1. PenPals for Handwriting workbook pg.25 'Words with ai unjoined'

Creative writing task


Continuing with our story last week ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Please can children focus this week on using descriptive words. Children can think about their favourite animal and use descriptive words to help describe it. For example – The bear has two fluffy ears and a shiny wet nose. Children can also draw a picture of their favourite animal. 


Task: Use descriptive words to describe your favourite animal. 

We're Going On A Bear Hunt

Still image for this video


  1. Problem Solving workbook pg.11
  2. Multiplication and division - All children have been assigned numeracy games, practice sheets, problem solving tasks and method videos on their Bug Club account to consolidate their skills. 