Please read this important message from the Welsh Government and complete task using link below:
We've just published a really important survey to help children and young people tell Welsh Government how they've felt about lock down: how it's impacted their health; any worries they've had; how they think it might affect their education; and also any positives they've had from it. It’s something we’ve developed with support from the Welsh Government, Welsh Youth Parliament and Children in Wales.
It will help Government to respond in the best way to the situation as it develops, and to know how they work with and talk to children and young people during this crisis and beyond.
Your Special Mission is to complete this survey.
We'd expect it to take children 15 minutes to complete and they can do it on any device by following the link. It’ll be open for just 2 weeks and closes on 27 May.
Become a Hwb Hero!
Hwb Heroes Assemble! A call to children and young people to become Hwb Heroes
Wales Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, has launched an initiative to get the children and young people of Wales using their creativity to spread positive and entertaining messages online to older people who are currently self-isolating due to the Covid-19 lockdown.
If you want to take part in this, please follow the link below:
It would also be great if you send your messages to Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Eadie to put in our newsletters too!
This week, please read the comprehension on page 16 and complete the answer questions on page 17 of your comprehension book.
Remember to read the text carefully before looking at the questions. Underline any key information if it helps you to remember it.
This week please complete page 10 of your grammar book.
Group 1 spellings need to work on page 10 as well as learn the attached spelling list.
Group 2 need to learn the attached list and put the words into interesting sentences.
This week, please complete the abacus test.
Remember you can do pictures and working out to help you.
This week, please work on page 18 of the Penpals book.
Look at the examples on the page first and copy their joins.
Creative task – Character description
Write a character description about a character from a book you have read at home. You can also use bug club to read a book on there in order to write your description.
You need to describe both their behaviour and personality. Remember to use ambitious vocabulary as well as conjunctions/connections to extend your ideas and give reasons.
There is a prompt sheet with conjunctions/connections you could use in your description.
Matilda Wormwood is a bright little girl who is very eager to learn. She has brown eyes, an infectious smile and is slim. Her hair is short, brown and always has a perfect red bow. She is tall for her age and has long legs. Her long legs help her run as fast as a cheetah when it runs after its prey.
Matilda is a neglected child who longs to be loved by her parents. She has an older brother who she does not get along with. She has special powers but is not aware of how or when she got them. Matilda is brave because she uses these special powers to trick those who are mean and cruel. She is intelligent, kind and loves to read books that are for much older children than herself. Clever, talented Matilda thinks she is an ordinary child until she starts school. She is extremely brave but is a scared of Miss Trunchbull at times.