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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
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This week’s home learning tasks are:



First Comprehension 1 – page 28-29 (Birdsong lullaby)



Grammar book 2 – page 14 & 15 (Revision 1)


Task 3

Spelling Book 2 – page 31 (Tricky consonants 2)


Task 4

Unit 3 & Unit 4 - Practise joins on normal writing lines - focus on letter size, formation and joins.  


Task 5

Creative Writing Task - This week we will writing our very own shape poems all about flowers and plants! Watch the video below to help you. I have also put up some extra documents to help you consolidate the skills we will be working on this week- alliteration and similes. 


You can send your work back to the teachers by logging into Google Classrooms with your child's HWB login.


As usual please continue to read at home with your child. BugClub reading books are available online and teachers can monitor usage and update when new books need issuing.



This week focuses on revising place value in 2-digit numbers, and extending to place value in 3-digit numbers. 



Task 1

Abacus Maths Game: Bubble Burst 2.30 (Skill: Join two multiples of 10 which add to make 100 and recognise other bonds to 100, e.g. 25 + 75.)


Task 2

Abacus Homework Task: Square eyes, Stand-in Numbers, 3 Digit Challenge (answer sheet also provided)


Task 3

Abacus Problem Solving: Sixteen rocks


Optional extras:

Abacus Mastery Checkpoints

Reasoning in the classroom (these are in a folder in our useful websites section)

Miss Lynham's Weekly Skills Support Video

Still image for this video