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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
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Your Literacy task for today is to write a recount of our trip to Plantasia yesterday. Use the photos below to help you remember all of the fantastic animals and plants you saw!

There is a writing template and word bank to help you if you would like :) 

Reading Comprehension 

Complete the Rainforest reading comprehension - choose from one, two or three star challenge.

Make sure you follow our steps to success:

  • Read the text carefully
  • Read the question and underline the important parts- what is it asking you to do?
  • Look in the text for evidence to answer the question. Highlight the answer
  • Write your answer
  • Read through and check! 


Complete Noah's problem solving task. 


Remember to follow our steps to success: 

  • Stop and read the problem carefully 
  • Think about your plan and the strategy you will use
  • Act - follow your plan to solve the problem
  • Review your answer 


  1. The children discuss with a family member:
  • Who they have seen recently
  • If they have asked anyone for help


  1. Children read ‘Quick as a Cricket’ by Audrey Wood (watch the story/reading available online) and discuss what the different animals are like.
  2. Get the children to discuss what they are good at. Thinking about when they feel most comfortable can help them to identify these things. Now ask them to discuss what they ARE like. Talk about how this is different. What words describe what someone is like as a person? These could include ‘feeling words’ as well. List these on the board and explain these to them as you go so that everyone understands their meanings. Ask the children what they are like. Are they quiet? Bold? Fast? Clever? Happy?
  3. If they were an animal, what would they be? Stress that this animal should show what they are like as a person.
  4. Children to draw themselves as an animal and if they are able to, label their pictures with words to describe themselves. If they are unsure, encourage them to ask their friends to help describe them.
  5. Thinking back to the things the children said they were good at earlier in the discussion, ask: What would you like to be even better at? (I.e. drawing, football, reading.) Children should discuss what this might be and any ideas they have as to how they could do this. Then get the children to discuss the small things they could do to reach their goal

