Please continue sending me through any work or questions you may have. I love hearing from you all!
Comprehension books (these were issued to all pupils this term as homework). Only complete the page you’ve been given.
First Comprehension 1 – page 16-17 (I love my darling tractor)
Grammar books (these are newly issued)
Grammar book 2 – page 8 (Verbs: past and present tense 1)
Task 3
Spelling books (previously used in class)
Spelling Book 2 – page 25 (Words that sound the same)
Task 4
Handwriting Books (previously used in class)
Page 27 (Unit 26 - Building on horizontal joins to anti-clockwise letters)
Creative Writing task
Last week you wrote your own poem based on the poem 'In the Land of the Flibbertigibbets'. This week we would like you to use your poems from last week to create a character description of one of the characters from the poem or one character you created yourself. Check out the power point and the WAGOLL below to give you some ideas. Please remember that good character descriptions must include adjectives. You can challenge yourself by including 2A sentences, similes and exclamation sentences! I can't wait to read them!
This week's Numeracy tasks all link to capacity and measure. Please feel free to explore this practically!
You may want to
-measure ingredients when cooking
-measure and order capacity of water jugs
Remember-you can extend your learning by estimating measures and capacities before measuring!
Please send through any photos of your practical learning this week!
Task 1
Abacus Maths Game: Bingo 2! (Skill: Compare and measure the capacities of containers using uniform non-standard units / Choose and use appropriate standard units to measure capacities)
Task 2
Abacus Homework Task: Heavy Stuff, Wizard Workout, Puzzling Pictures! (answer sheet also provided)
Task 3
Abacus Problem Solving: 10 to the Kilo
Task 4
Abacus Problem Solving iPad Activity: Recycling Packaging
Optional extras:
Abacus Mastery Checkpoints
Reasoning in the classroom (these are in a folder in our useful websites section)