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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
Telephone 02920 733694



Phase 1 

This week ask the children to listen to the differEnt sounds of traffic when they are out and about.How many differnt sounds can they hear? Can the children try and copy the sounds that they hear?

Phase 2

We are looking again at the sounds s a t .Play a guessing game where  the adult gives clues for the chlld to guess the object or animal beginning with these sounds. Encourage your child to look at their name written down .Do they have these sounds in their name .Encourage your child to write the sounds, firstly in a large way maybe in messy materials like flour or sugar then try with a pencil  or felt pen .Always encouraging the correct pincer grip.

Mathematics and Numeracy

This week we are looking at numbers. Develop your child's number recognition by making a number hunt in the house or garden.

Start with numbers to 3 then progress to 5 or even 10 if your child is confident in number recognition.Encourage your child to put the numbers in the correct order reading the numbers forwards and backwards.
