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Home Learner of the Week 22nd May

This week’s star learner is Alayna for always uploading her homework on time and trying her best to complete it to a high standard. Below is her description on the BFG.


BFG is a giant man who has a funny personality. He is very funny, he makes funny words up. Some people think he's stupid because his grammer is poor but he is rather intelegent and smart, he lives in a humungas cave bye a massive field he enjoys the breeze on his body. 


The BFG has a little friend called Sophie who is a young girl who came from an orphanage, and she has big glasses and long ginger hair. She is a very sweet girl and she is always with him. Sophie lives with the queen and they invited the BFG round for a cup of tea in the ballroom. The BFGs head was touching the chandelier when they drank their tea.


The giants would always want to fight and argue, and be rude to the BFG but he does not like to fight, he wants peace between the giants. The BFG is a warm and kind Giant. He hates how the other Giants eat all the chiddlers in the world, and he is so happy that the human beans have now been trapped.


