Iwan, Ms McTavish and Miss Lynham saw Olivia and Noah with his sister Megan at Pontprennau hub school this week.
Hello Year 2! Iwan has been helping me to "go wild" and make a bird feeder.
1. First, collect the ingredients. You will need peanut butter, bird seed and an empty toilet roll tube.
2. Then, spread peanut butter over the toilet roll tube.
3. Next, roll the peanut buttery tube in the bird seed.
4. Finally, hang from a branch and watch the the wild birds have a feast!
Iwan has been planting seeds. He has planted sunflowers and raspberries.
He watched how to make plant pots out of old newspaper on the Chelsea Flower Show.
Happy Eid everyone!
Eid Mubarak pawb!
It's really sunny! Iwan, do you have sun cream?
Mae'n heulog iawn! Iwan, wyt ti'n gael eli haul?
I think it's time for a hair cut.
Dw i'n meddwl mae'n amser i gael tynnu y wallt.
Iwan likes Ms McTavish's lava lamp. She didn't make it though.
Mae Iwan yn hoffi'r lamp lafa Ms. McTavish. Doedd hi ddim yn gwneud hyn.
Help me down please, Ms McTavish. I'm stuck!
Helpwch fi i lawr Ms McTavish os gwelwch yn dda. Dw i'n sownd.
Great way to travel. We're going to the park today.
Ffordd wych o deithio. Byddwn ni'n mynd i'r Parc heddiw.
It is like being back on the farm. I can see ducks, swans, geese and baby geese (goslings).
Mae fel ar y fferm. Dw i'n gweld hwyaid, elyrch, gwyddau a gwyddau babanod (gosslings).
Ms McTavish is learning to play the guitar. I think she needs a bit more practise...
Mae Ms McTavish yn dysgu i chwarae'r gitâr. Dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi eisiau mwy o ymarfer ...
VE day was fun! Some of my neighbours even had a BAAAA-BQ!
Roedd diwrnod VE yn hwyl! Roedd gan rai o'm cymdogion hyd yn oed BAAAA-BQ!
Iwan has been playing with his purple playdough and practising his letter formation.
Mae Iwan yn chwarae gyda'r playdough porffor a ymarfer e'n ysgrifennu.
You were right! Iwan mixed red and blue to make purple. He mixed lavender petals in so it smells nice. We wish you could smell it too!
Roeddech chi’n iawn! Mae Iwan cymysg coch a glas i creu porffor.
I want to make purple play dough to match the lavender. Which colours should I mix?
Roeddwn i eisiau creu play dough porffor fel Lavender. Pa lliw ddylwn i ei ddefnyddio.
I wanted to grow flowers like Miss Lynham. The lavender smells amazing.
Roeddwn i eisiau tyfu blodau fel Miss Lynham. Mae Lavender arogli’n anghygoel.
We had a team meeting this week. I saw Miss Lynham, Mrs Bird & Miss Davies on video chat.
Cawsom cyfarfod tim. Gwelais i Miss Lynham, Mrs Bird a Miss Davies ar video chat.
I watched Lucas reading his poem on the class page. Well done Lucas.
Gwelais i Lucas yn darllen e cerdd ar y tudalen dosbarth. Da iawn Lucas.
I have just seen our Google Classroom page. I've added my own challenge for you to try.
Gwelais i tudalen Google Classroom. Dw i wedi ychwanegu fy her fy hun i chi roi cynnig arni.
Login using your HWB log in details.
Click on Google for Education from the HWB site or sign in direct at: https://classroom.google.com/
This is Iwan's description of his first day back at school. He has not had much practice at writing (and the hooves don't help) but he has tried his best. Can the children help him by correcting his mistakes?
You can write this onto paper, remembering to add capital letters, full stops and correct his spelling.
OR you can edit the file digitally on your tablet or computer and send it back to him on our Google Classroom.
I want to make pizza. Ms McTavish says I have to share so I cut it in half. Is that right?
Dw i eisiau gwneud pizza. Ms McTavish yn dweud i rannu felly fe ei dorri yn ei hanner.
I heard someone use the word "sheepish". What does it mean?
Clywais rhywun dweud "sheepish". Beth mae'n ei olygu?
I'm looking forward to some chips and a veggie burger again soon!
Dw i'n edrych ymlaen i cael veggie burger a sglodion!
Someone else to talk to - I'm keeping my distance though.
Pobol arall i siarad âm- dw i'n cadw fy mhellter serch hynny.
We saw some beautiful blossom trees on our walk! Hope you like the alliteration, Miss Lynham!
Gwelais i coed blodau hardd ar fy gerdded!
Happy Easter! Do we really have to share the chocolate?
Pasg Hapus! Oes rhaid i ni rannu'r siocled?
Yay! Today I went with Ms McTavish to our Pontprennau hub school. I saw my friends Ben and Olivia.
Hwrê! Heddiw es i gyda Ms McTavish i'n ysgol hwb Pontprennau. Gwelais fy ffrindiau Ben ac Olivia.
Iwan is making a rainbow Easter card. I wonder who it is for?
Mae Iwan yn gwneud cerdyn Pasg enfys. Tybed i bwy y mae?
We're reading my friend's favourite book on BugClub!
Oh yes! I remember Ms McTavish wearing that hat with a yellow-spotted lizard on it!
This is MY favourite book!
Dw ni'n darllen hoff lyfr fy ffrind ar BugClub!
O ie! Dw i'n cofio Ms McTavish yn gwisgo'r het honno gyda madfall smotyn melyn arni!
Dyma FY hoff lyfr!
Iwan is helping Ms McTavish to make a cake.
You'd better help with the washing up, Iwan!
Delicious! Sharing a slice of cake with Ms McTavish!
Mae Iwan yn helpu Ms McTavish i wneud cacen.
Byddai'n well gennych chi helpu gyda'r golchi llestri, Iwan!
Blasus! Rhannu tafell o gacen gyda Ms McTavish
Slam dunk! Please help me get down Ms McTavish!
I think I'll stick to rugby.
Slam dunk! Helpwch fi i ddod i lawr os gwelwch yn dda Mrs McTavish.
Dw i'n meddwl dw 'n cadw i rugbi.
Iwan tried Miss Lynham's ice cream recipe. Yum! Iwan added lots of chocolate.
Bwytais Iwan hufen iâ Miss Lynham. Yum! Mae Iwan yn adio llawer o siocled.
Iwan is playing Scrabble with Ms McTavish. Who's turn is it?
Mae Iwan yn chwarae Scrabble gyda Mrs McTavish. Pwy sy'n nesa?
Iwan is enjoying the nice weather. He is doing some gardening and planting some pink flowers.
Mae Iwan yn mwynhau'r tywydd braf. Mae'n gwneud garddio ac yn plannu rhai blodau pinc.
Iwan loves playing hide and seek. Do you think Ms McTavish will see me?
Mae Iwan yn dwlio chwarae cuddio. Ydych chi'n meddwl Ms McTavish yn gweld Iwan?
Iwan is painting the walls of his bedroom. His favourite colour is blue. Iwan shouldn't you be wearing and apron?
Mae Iwan yn peintio ei ystafell wely. Mae e'n hoff lliw ydy glas. Iwan, wyt ti gwisgo ffedog?
Iwan has been playing with his Rubik's cube. He can do it in under 30 seconds!
Mae Iwan yn chwarae gyda’r Rubik's Cube. Mae e'n gwneud y Cube o dan 30seconds.
Iwan is clapping for the NHS at 8 o'clock with Ms McTavish. Stay safe everyone.
Mae Iwan yn clappio am NHS am wyth or gloch gyda Ms McTavish. Cadw'n ddiogel bawb.
Iwan is keeping fit with Ms McTavish and The Body Coach this morning. Phew! I'm feeling tired. Time to recover with my friend Shaun the Sheep.
Mae Iwan yn cadw’n heini gyda Mrs McTavish a The Body Coach. Phew! Dw i’n wedi blino. Amser i ymlacio gyda fy ffrind Shaun y ddafad.
It's Iwan's birthday. He isn't having a party because he has to stay at home. Here he is with Ms McTavish and some of his friends on video chat.
Mae penblwydd Iwan heddiw. Mae e ddim yn cael parti achos mae'n aros yn e gartref. Dyma Iwan gyda Ms McTavish a ffrindiau ar video chat.
Iwan has been keeping clean. He is enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air. He misses seeing you all but he will send you a message each week with his activities.
Mae iwan yn cadw'n lân. Mae'n mwynhau'r heulwen. Mae’n colli eich gweld chi. Mae Iwan yn ysgrifennu llythyr i ti bob wythnos.