Thursday 14th January
WALT (We are learning today): Identifying and making animal sounds
Activity: Sing the song ‘Old Macdonald Had a Farm’ making the different farm animal sounds.
Challenge: Play I-spy by looking for objects beginning with s a t p i n. d m
WALT (We are learning today): Listen to a familiar story joining in with a repetitive phrase.
Activity: Listen to the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’’ and join in with the repetitive parts.
Challenge: -put these separate sounds together to make words - i and t makes it i and s makes is
i and n makes in
watch me building sounds with these letters
WALT (We are learning today):How to hold a pencil and mark make.
Activity: Watch the video showing how to make lines, circles and crosses
then try yourself either in a large way by painting or writing in flour with your finger or in a small way using a paintbrush or felt pen.
Challenge: Practise writing the letters s a t p i n m d