Today we will be exploring the plot of a story.
The plot is what happens in the story.
Read the text Beowulf allocated on your Bug Club account. This text is a bit longer than usual so you can also listen to parts of the story. This is a retelling of an event.
Think about the story.
What happened at the beginning? Remember the beginning has the characters, setting and a problem.
How does the story develop? Think about the events and the order they happen in.
How does the story end? Remember the problem is usually solved at the end of the story.
Using the events of the story, can you create a story 's' to show how the story develops.
Red group- Can you add sentences and short paragraphs to your story 's'
Blue group- Can you add sentences to your story 's'
Yellow group- Can you add words and short phrases
You can all add pictures to your story 's'- you can do this first, then add the writing.