Today you are going to use your plan to write the beginning of the story. Remember it must introduce the characters, setting and a problem. Watch the video above to see the story beginning I have written.
Send me in your stories using Seesaw. You can write it and take a photo or you could type it.
I am really looking forward to reading your story openings.
Red group- I am looking for your character and setting to be introduced, with added description and detail for these. Can you use interesting and detailed sentences and try different sentence starters. Make sure you introduce your problem.
Blue group- I am looking for your character and setting to be introduced, with added description and detail for these. Can you use connectives to extend your sentences. I would like you to try and vary your sentence starters. Make sure you introduce a problem.
Yellow group- I am looking for your character and setting to be introduced, with added description for these. Can you use connectives to extend your sentences. Make sure you introduce a problem.