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Today we are going to be looking at the structure, rhythm and rhyme scheme of our narrative poem! 

Attend the live lesson at 9am, where we will discuss the features and learn about stressed and unstressed syllables! 


Bronze- Read through the poem again and highlight all the rhyming pairs in the poem, using a different colour for each pair. Can you spot a pattern? Have a go at clapping out the syllables on each line. Can you underline the stressed syllables? 


Silver- Read through the poem again and highlight all the rhyming pairs in the poem, using a different colour for each pair. Record the rhyme scheme of the poem by writing a letter next to each line e.g. A, A, B, B. Then, underline the stressed syllables in each line of the poem. 


Gold-  Read through the poem again and highlight all the rhyming pairs in the poem, using a different colour for each pair. Record the rhyme scheme of the poem by writing a letter next to each line e.g. A, A, B, B. Underline the stressed and un-stressed syllables in two different colours. Use the next blank page to write down all the features of the poem!
