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Today we are going to discover when, where and why Vikings settled in Britain.

In the first part of today's lesson we will be finding out the answers to the following questions:
Why did the Vikings start to settle in Britain? 
Was it a permanent settlement? 
Was it unusual for Vikings to ‘stop over’ in another country? 
Research Links:

We will then research and compare the Viking Repton to the Viking York and record our findings in a table.
Viking Repton:
Viking York:

You will then have a chance to find evidence to show that the Vikings settled in some parts of Wales and add to our class Padlet page 

Links for Wales:


Part 2-
Explore the Viking traders and explorers:

GOLD- Choose one of the Vikings from the resource above. Write a letter home explaining what he discovered and traded. Remember to use the facts from the time in your letter. 

SILVER- Choose one of the Vikings from the resource above. Write a diary entry explaining what he discovered and traded. Remember to use the facts from the time in your diary entry.

BRONZE- Create a fact file about one of the Vikings from the resource above. Write facts under headings- Who was he? Where was he from? Where did he go? etc
