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Lesson- Begin to partition teen numbers


Watch the teaching video to see how we can partition teen numbers into a ten and some ones.



Red Group and Blue Group- You will need lots of 10p and 1p coins. Make a 11-19 number line like yesterday. Can you make each quantity using one 10p coin and the correct amount of 1p coins?
Extension: Can you write a number sentence for each teen number shoing the tens and ones? e.g. 10 + 2 = 12
       10 + 7 = 17


Yellow Group- You will need lots of 10p and 1p coins. Ask an adult to pick a number from 11-19. Write it in your book. Can you make the quantity using one 10p coin and the correct amount of 1p coins? Ask your adult to check that you have the correct amount. Repeat for other numbers.


Orange Group and Green Group -  Click here to practise writing the numbers 11-19 with Jack. Notice how they all start with a 1 and end with another number you already know. Now watch the video again, pausing at each number to write it in your book. With your adult, have a look at these numbers on a number line. Can you see how they come after 10 and before 20? Practise counting 1-20 a few times together.
