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Lesson – Recognise numbers to 20


Watch the teaching video below and see if you can point to the correct numbers.

Recognise Numbers to 20.mp4

Still image for this video



Red Group and Blue Group: You will need 20 small blocks or toys. Ask your adult to pick any number from 1-20. Count out the correct number of blocks or toys and write the number in your home learning book.  Repeat for other numbers.
Extension: Can you find one more and one less of each number?


Yellow Group: You will need 15 small blocks or toys. Ask your adult to pick any number from 1-15. Count out the correct number of blocks or toys and write the number in your home learning book.  Repeat for other numbers.


Orange Group and Green Group: You will need 10 small blocks or toys. Ask your adult to pick any number from 1-10. Count out the correct number of blocks or toys. Practise writing the number in the air with your finger before writing the number in your home learning book. You might need an adult to help you. Repeat for other numbers.
