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Odd and Even numbers- counting in 2s

Today we are going to be identifying odd and even numbers. We will also be practising counting in 2s. Practise chanting in 2s over the weekend in preparation for our learning next week!


Watch the teaching video below. 



Red/Blue- Draw a line in your home learning books (see below)


0                                                                                                                                                                                    20

Plot the EVEN numbers onto your number line.



Yellow- Draw a line in your home learning books (see below)


0                                                                                                       10 

Plot the EVEN  numicon pieces onto your number line. You can either draw them yourself or print out the numicon pieces uploaded to the website.


Orange/Green- Sort the numicon pieces into the odd and even table.

You can either print out the sheet or draw them yourself.

If you would like to challenge yourselves further I have attached some Number patterns worksheets for you to have a go with- this is optional. 