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Partitioning objects

Today we will be partitioning (splitting) objects into 2 groups. Before you start the activity, I would like you to collect 10 small objects you could use to count and partition. This could be pieces of lego, pebbles, buttons, etc.


Watch the teaching activity for today's lesson. 


Red/Blue: Have 20 objects available in front of you. Group them into 2 groups in different ways. Write the appropriate number sentences.


Yellow: Have 15 objects available in front of you. Group them into 2 groups in different ways. Write the appropriate number sentences.


Orange/Green: Have 10 objects available in front of you. Group them into 2 groups in different ways. Write the appropriate number sentences.


Today's activity can be completed in your home learning books. 

Challenge Maths

Please find a Challenge Maths sheet below- this is optional. 
