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Croeso i'r Feithrin!
Welcome to Nursery!

Thank you for visiting our Nursery web page.

The Nursery staff is as follows:
Mrs Coleman - Nursery Teacher
Miss E Davey, Miss V Want, Mrs S Rees (Part time) and Mrs S Llewellyn are all Teacher Assistants supporting children in the Nursery.


Our second Summer Half term Context for learning is 'On the Move' and here are some of the things your children will be experiencing and learning about:

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
Listening to stories including 'Sharing a shell,' 'Topsy and Tim Go To School,' 'Sports Day' and 'Harry and the Dinosaurs Go To School.' 
Children will be developing their mark making skills by using a variety of writing materials in our 'Graphics' writing area. The children will be encouraged to make patterns and marks, reproduce pre-writing patterns and begin to form recognisable letters. Also they will be encouraged to recognise their name in print and to copy and write their own name.
Learning letter sounds through stories and songs using 'Jolly Phonics.'
Taking part in Circle Time activities, where children answer and ask questions during class discussions and share their own experiences, thoughts and ideas.
Learning new songs and rhymes and reciting poems.
Showing imagination in our 'Glyncoed Medical Centre' and 'Home Corner' role play areas.
Children will have the opportunity to change their Library books weekly, handle books as a reader and they will also be encouraged to re-tell familiar stories and talk about the contents of a book they have enjoyed. 

Mathematical Development
Children will be developing their number skills by counting, recognising, writing and ordering numbers.
Understanding the concept of one more/one less and that '0' means none.
Using everyday words to describe position.
Sorting objects by colour, shape and size.
Copying, continuing and creating patterns.
Understanding the concept of big and small.
Joining in number rhymes and songs.
Using 2D shapes and 3D solid shapes to make patterns, pictures and models.                                        Sorting familiar objects to identify their similarities and differences.
Showing awareness of time in terms of daily activities.

Personal and Social, Well-being and Cultural Diversity
Value for this term - 'Tolerance.'
We will be learning about 'Relationships' through a variety of activities at Group times and Circle times.
Circle games will include 'Wake Up Baby Bear' and Pass the Teddy.'
We will be talking about telling the truth, saying sorry and making amends. 
Stories will include 'The Tiny Ants,' 'Dogger’ and 'Norman the Slug.'
Developing the children's understanding of the importance of showing care and concern for others, living things and the environment.
Independently putting on and taking off of coats, socks and shoes.
Confidently trying new activities, initiate ideas, speak in a small group.
Visiting Reception classes in small groups with Teacher Assistant.
We will have our weekly visits from the 'Rabbit' (puppet) who brings badges and certificates to celebrate children's weekly achievements.

Welsh Language Development
Learning and singing a variety of songs and continuing to follow and understand simple instructions and phrases.
Repeating familiar words and phrases.
Looking at books and listening to stories.
Interacting while watching 'Fflic a Fflac' DVD.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Learning about the children’s locality - sharing experiences of their visit to Barry Island beach.    Experiencing natural materials – e.g. shells, pebbles.
Looking at pictures of the seaside and sharing experiences of holidays/places children have visited.                
Using 'Come and Explore' sensory area.
Cookery session.

Making a healthy snack to take on a picnic.

Learning about people who work in the school.

Understand the passing of time/past events.
Children will use the class camera to take photographs around school and of each other.
Using the 'Listening Centre' to listen to stories and rhymes.
Using 'Smart Board' to draw pictures and develop computer skills using a variety of programmes.
Exploring the outdoor environment and taking part in weekly planned outdoor play sessions.

Creative Development
Painting and drawing pictures of themselves.
Making collage pictures from a variety of natural materials.
Using a variety of materials for junk modelling.
Taking part in Circle Games and Movement Sessions.
Playing, recognising, and naming a variety of musical instruments.

Clapping and keeping a steady beat.
Experiencing an imaginary journey to the seaside.
Singing and learning songs and rhymes.

Making Teddy Bear biscuits and sandwiches for picnic. 

Physical Development
Developing fine and gross motor skills through the following:
Threading, making models from a variety of construction kits, puzzles, using scissors, chalk and pencils, water and brushes and computer mouse.
Kicking, throwing and catching a ball.

Pedalling a bicycle around cones, joining in games, balancing, jumping and landing safely.
Exploring playdough, soil, cornflour 'goo' and foam using a variety of tools.
Joining in with movements to rhymes and songs.
Taking part in circle games, parachute games and races.


Dates for Diary:

17th June- Inset day.

20th June PM-Teddy Bears picnic (No morning Nursery)

26th June PM Sports day (No Morning Nursery)

Thank you for taking time to view our web page - we hope you find this information helpful. 

Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we've done, and more.

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know! 

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!
