Croeso i'r Feithrin!
Welcome to Nursery!
Thank you for visiting our Nursery web page and welcome back to an exciting new year in Nursery.
The Nursery staff is as follows:
Mrs E Coleman (3 days) and Mrs A Turner (2 days) - Nursery Teachers.
Miss S Rees, Mrs J Littlejon and Miss Bolt are all Teaching Assistants supporting children in the Nursery.
Welcome to the Nursery Web page. We hope that your child enjoys learning through the following activities.
Our context for learning during the first Autumn half term is ‘Colours’.
Week 1 08/09/14
Learning to hold, use and treat books properly. Recognising and naming colours. Learning and naming some body parts.
Personal & Social Development
Circle time - SEAL and values. Getting to know new friends. Trying hard to understand some simple emotions and describe how you feel. Play "Pass the present".
Joining in number games and familiar number songs and rhymes. Explore, recognise and name some 2d shapes. Counting games.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Discuss experiences of home. Helping to set up an investigation table and treasure basket of natural and manufactured materials and objects.
Physical Development
Developing gross and fine motor skills. Use bikes, scooters and large outdoor equipment. Complete inset puzzles and practice threading and holding a pencil.
Creative Development
Setting up of Role-play area - ‘The Rainbow Castle".
Creative area - experiment with play dough.
Welsh Language Development
Bore da and prynhawn da.
Week 2 15/09/14
Listen and respond to a story. Point to pictures and text while being read to. Use words to communicate and to indicate needs.
Personal & Social Development
SEAL and values. Being a good friend. Consider ways of making friends. Talking about the emotion of feeling excited.
Sort objects by their colour or shape. Match simple shapes.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Help to set up a light table and investigate colours. Understand some basic weather features.
Physical Development
Build towers with bricks. Practice pedalling a bike. Practice your running, hopping and jumping.
Welsh Language Development
Bore da, prynhawn da and hwyl fawr.
Creative Development
Hand prints and colour mixing. Making a rainbow display.
Week 3 22/09/14
Following commands and directions. Practice holding a pencil and find out which hand you prefer.
Personal & Social Development
SEAL and values. Talking about how you felt when you started Nursery.
Looking at positional language using toys to play games.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Story - "Little Green Helpers". Discuss things that grow. What could we grow and where should we grow it? Make biscuits and discuss changes after cooking.
Physical Development
Action songs for finger rhymes. Hand/eye coordination - throwing and catching a ball.
Creative Development
Joining in action songs and learning some of the words. Playing some musical instruments.
Un, dau, tri.
Week 4 29/09/14
Joining in songs and rhymes. Ask a question.
Personal & Social Development
SEAL and values. Story. Circle time - discuss things that make you feel happy or sad. Make happy and sad faces and learn the song "If you're happy and you know it".
Sorting objects into big and little. Ordering things by size. Number songs and rhymes.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Look at different fruits and discuss the colours. Recognise and name some fruit. Make fruit cups.
Physical Development
Balance across the stepping stones. Put on and take off your own coat and hang it on your peg.
Ceative Development
Printing with fruit. Drawing fruit.
Welsh Language Development
Singing songs and rhymes.
Colours - coch, glas, melyn.
Week 5 06/10/14
Begin home library. Play Kim's game. Invetsigate and name the colours in a rainbow.
Personal & Social Development
SEAL and values. Story "Feeling Excited". Draw their happy face to put on the Birthday display.
Represent numbers using fingers and by clapping. Count jungle animals.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World.
Look at different vegetables and their colours. Use IT to look at and name some vegetables. Develop mouse skills. Make a clown sandwich.
Physical Development
Play with vegetables in water and saucepans. Put on and take off own apron when playing in water or paint.
Creative Development
Printing with vegetables. Paint a picture of your face using a mirror to choose colours.
Welsh Language Development
Song - "Clap, clap, un, dau, tri". Song "Mr Hapus ydw i".
Week 6 13/10/14
Describe our Autumn walk. Discuss the colours you saw and how the leaves felt. Make a class book about Autumn.
Personal & Social Development
SEAL and values. Circle Time - quiet time listening to music. Story "Owl Babies".
Matching numbers on a number line. Explore magnetic numbers. Sort leaves by colour and shape.
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Go on a walk in the school grounds and collect leaves. Discuss the changes that Autumn brings. Make rainbow cakes.
Physical Development
Jump and play in leaves. Experience the texture of cornflour gloop.
Creative Development
Leaf printing, rubbings and collages.
Welsh Language Development
Sut wyt ti? Da iawn diolch.
Week 7 20/10/14 (Red Day on Wednesday - come to school dressed in red)
Bring in a red object from home and describe what it is to the class. Look at books in the quiet area.
Personal & Social Development
SEAL and Values. Circle time - pass a drum around the circle and try to make loud and quiet sounds. RE "Spot visits Grandma".
Build big and small towers using blocks. Make a tower or thread beads using a named number of objects. Play with 3d shapes.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Look at similarities and differences between children around the world.
Physical Development
Use scissors to cut paper for a collage.
Creative Development
Red activities for "Red Day".
Welsh Language Development
Hapus, trist, wedi blino.