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Croeso i Feithrin

Welcome to Nursery





Thank you for visiting our Nursery web page. We hope you find it useful.

Our topic for this half term is 'Guess how much I Love You?'. Scroll down to see our new topic overview.

Nursery Times


9.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

(Doors will be open at 11.20 a.m.)



12.45 p.m. to 3.15 p.m.

(Doors will be open at 3.05 p.m.)






How you can help your child settle into Nursery


  • Encourage your child to use the toilet independently, wipe themselves, pull the flush and wash his/her hands.


  • Encourage your child to take off and put on their own coat.


  • Dress your child in school uniform and sensible shoes for an active Nursery session. Your child will need a coat for outdoor play and a sunhat during hot weather.Put your child’s name on EVERYTHING! That way staff can return lost coats, clothes or shoes to their rightful owners!


  • If your child is unable to attend Nursery, please contact the school to let us know. (02920733694)


  • Please inform us about any allergies or problems your child may have and if there is a reason why your child may be upset. We will always try to help.


  • Please make sure that an adult brings your child and sees them safely into the Nursery. Please also make sure that an adult collects your child from Nursery at the end of the session.


  • Please notify a member of staff if your child is to be collected by somebody who is not known to us, giving us a name and brief description


  • We do not encourage children to bring in toys from home as they can get lost or broken.


  • We ask you to contribute £1.00 per week to cover the cost of the children’s daily snack. Money will be collected on a Monday each week.


  • Please do not let your child bring sweets, biscuits, crisps or drinks to Nursery.



Nursery Topic Overviews


Croeso i Feithrin 

Welcome to Nursery




Miss Tomlinson,  Mrs Hooper and Wolfie



Thank you for visiting our Nursery web page.  We hope you find it useful. 

Our topic for this half term is 'How does that building stay up?'.  Scroll down to see our new topic overview. 


Nursery Times


9.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

(Doors will be open at 11.20 a.m.)



12.45 p.m. to 3.15 p.m.

(Doors will be open at 3.05 p.m.)






How you can help your child settle into Nursery


  • Encourage your child to use the toilet independently, wipe themselves, pull the flush and wash his/her hands.


  • Encourage your child to take off and put on their own coat.


  • Dress your child in school uniform and sensible shoes for an active Nursery session. Your child will need a coat for outdoor play and a sunhat during hot weather.Put your child’s name on EVERYTHING! That way staff can return lost coats, clothes or shoes to their rightful owners!


  • If your child is unable to attend Nursery, please contact the school to let us know. (02920733694)


  • Please inform us about any allergies or problems your child may have and if there is a reason why your child may be upset. We will always try to help.


  • Please make sure that an adult brings your child and sees them safely into the Nursery. Please also make sure that an adult collects your child from Nursery at the end of the session.


  • Please notify a member of staff if your child is to be collected by somebody who is not known to us, giving us a name and brief description


  • We do not encourage children to bring in toys from home as they can get lost or broken.


  • We ask you to contribute £1.00 per week to cover the cost of the children’s daily snack. Money will be collected on a Monday each week.


  • Please do not let your child bring sweets, biscuits, crisps or drinks to Nursery.



Will our boats float?
