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Croeso i Dosbarth Derbyn.

Welcome to Reception!


Thank you for visiting our class page.


The staff in your class this year are Mrs. McCrann, Mrs. Gallivan, Miss John, Mrs. West and Miss Tapper. We look forward to getting to know you all. 


Personal and Social Development:

Our context this term is 'Do you want to be friends?' where we will be learning about friendship and settling into our new school routines. We hope that through this topic your child will develop their understanding of how to play with their friends, how to co-operate and share with each other.




We will be learning to recognise, read and write our numbers in a multi-sensory way. We will be using our outdoor classroom and will be going on number hunts in our forest school areas. We will be looking all around us and developing our knowledge of shape using our outdoor environment.We will be making messy marks in our painting area to learn what our numbers look like. We will be learning about shapes and their properties, we are going to paint and collage giant shapes to make our classroom more colourful.



This term our focus will be on children learning their sounds through our investment in the Letters and Sounds programme. You can use the website: to support your child and gain further information. We will be reading lots of books about friends and families, we will be finding out how our families are different. We have started to handle books for ourselves and discovered that reading is fun! We will also be making lots of marks with chalks, pens, paints and messy jelly. We want to inspire young writers through interesting activities to encourage making a mark independently. 


Physical development:

This term we will be focusing on increasingly our fine motor skills and improving our pincer grips. We will be writing confidently and using tools such as scissors. We will be using handwriting motorway strategies such as using tweezers to put pompoms in bottles - try this yourselves at home! We will also become more co-ordinated with our gross motor skills as we grow. We will be using PESS dance schemes to learn how to be a happy cat. Practise standing on one leg at home!  


Please see our Welcome letter for Reception hints and tips. 




We are going to have lots of fun this year and can't wait to learn new things!

Reception weekly Timetable

We can’t believe it is half term already! The children have settled in so well in our Reception classes and are already learning and practising new skills. We have all really enjoyed learning through our topic ‘Do you want to be friends?’. We have read books on starting school and friendship such as ‘Muddy Paws’, ‘Lost and Found’, ‘The Gruffalo’,‘Have you Filled a Bucket Today? ’and ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ which have all taught us how important it is help each other, look after each other and always be ready to say ‘sorry’ if we make a mistake. We have all made lots of friends and can now say exactly what makes a good friend and why friends are good to have. We have all starting learning our sounds and flashcards which are helping us to read and write. Mums and dads- please continue to help your child as much as possible…and keep practising these at home.


As the second half of this term approaches, we look forward to our next topic ‘Are we there yet?’ which has a focus on transport. We’re also really excited about our Christmas trip to Wiggly’s Farm on the 15th December 2016.

The Reception team would like to say ‘diolch’ for all working so hard so far this term and being such wonderful classes. Diolch yn fawr!


Learning together in the Reception classroom

Autumn 2- Are we there yet?


Which vehicles move quickly? Can you ride a bike to Australia? We will be exploring these questions and more in this project about transport, travel and places near and far!

We will be finding out about different types of transport, how things move, holiday destinations and keeping safe on the roads and pavements.

Take a look at the 'overview' and 'topic launch' below for more details!

Busy days in the Reception classroom.

Autumn 2 Documents- Are we there yet?

Additional Reading books:

Have a look at some of the reading books below and share them with your child.


Practise managing money on the Top Marks website:

More reading books to enjoy together:

Use the website below to practise writing your numbers:

Wiggleys Farm Christmas 2016.

Christmas Party in Reception-

Merry Christmas Everyone!







Snowball fight December 2016!

Well done everyone for  great attendance this term!




Snowball fight December 2016- in the hall!!

Spring Term 2017

This term, our topic is going to be:

'Will you read me a story?'


We will be learning all about Fairy Tales, goodies and baddies, castles and giants and lots more!


See below for more details.

Topic Map

RECEPTION Timetable Spring 2017

Some fairy tales we'll be sharing this half term include those below. Please read them together at home too.


Spring Term 2

Welcome back!

We are looking forward to our new topic-

'Do cows drink milk?'.

We will be learning all about farms, their animals and how they help to give us healthy food too.

See below for more information about our latest learning topic:

Medium term planner Spring 2

Eisteddfod March 1st.

Please wear your Welsh costumes/ rugby shirts to school!


Parents- please practise singing the Welsh National Anthem with your child.









Welcome Back to Summer Term 1


Teachers: Mrs Gallivan, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Hurcom

Teaching Assistants: Mrs West and Miss Tapper


Our Creepy Crawly Conerstones Context is 'Why Do Ladybirds Have Spots?'  This is a science based context for learning.  We are going to be detectives, investigating mini-beasts in our outdoor area.  We are going to be looking for similarities and differences, growth and change, patterns and colours.  


We hope they don't bite!



        smiley     Welcome back to Summer 2 in Reception smiley

 Our Cornerstone context is ‛ Who Lives in a Rock Pool ?


  Which creatures live on the seashore ? Why do crabs have a shell? These are some of the questions we will be exploring about the seashore and the animals and plants that live there.

Other lines of enquiry will include     * Features of the seashore

                                                               * Water safety

                                                                *Properties of sand and water

                                                                * art using sea related materials

                                                                * Pollution



The children will be having their say on what they want to learn through  PUPIL   VOICE.


Also we will be trying to base many of our activities in   our  OUTDOOR AREA .We will be setting up our own beach to explore sand and water play and make up our own beach games.

If you would like more detail about our activities please look at our Topic Over View .
