We had great fun exploring different stories and authors on World Book Day!
What fantastic costumes!
Week beginning 24th February
What a busy week we have had this week! We were ready to get back to learning after half term. We worked very hard on our Eisteddfod entries- writing words to describe a dragon and acting out the story of Gwion. Super drama skills! We learnt about the sound 'r' this week and practiced curly caterpillar letters. We had a busy immersion day where we explored our new topic 'Are Eggs Alive?' ad had a fantastic time performing in the hall for the Eisteddfod! We enjoyed trying Welsh Cakes for St Davids Day.
Nursery PM St David's Day Celebrations
The children enjoyed singing Welsh songs and painting daffodils.
They coloured Welsh dragons and enjoyed Welsh cakes at snack time.
Week beginning 3rd February
This week we have been finding out all about coins and their value- we looked at 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. We had great fun buying items in our pretend shop. We learnt about different celebrations and found out about Eid. We learnt about the sound 'u' this week and practiced long ladder letters. We have all been working very hard on our names. Outdoors this week we used ipads to take photos to make a map of our outdoor area.
Week beginning 27th January
This week we have been ordering objects by size. We explored The Three Bears and looked at the different sizes in the story and ordered the items by size. We went on a hunt to collect natural objects which we then ordered by size. This week we explored the story of Elmer and all of the beautiful colours in the story. We explored the sound 'e' this week and practiced curly caterpillar shapes and letters.
Week Beginning 20th January
This week we have been finding out about 3D shapes. We had great fun going on a shape hunt and building towers using 3D shapes. We listened to the story Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly and explored all of the different colours. We have been recapping on all the sounds we have learnt so far s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c and k.
Week beginning 13th January
This week we have been learning all about 2D shapes. We have listened to the story of the Rainbow Fish and discussed the main events in the story. Our phonic sound this week is 'k'.