WALT : Moving to a sound.
Activity: How do different sounds make you feel like moving ?
Listen to different sounds and move in the way they make you feel.
Challenge Sing the Jolly Phonic songs to the letter ‘g’
Reading: Listen to a story and answer questions.
Activity: Listen to the story ‘ Where ’s My Bear?'
Answer questions
What was the little boy’s name in the story?
Where did he lose his bear?
What was his bear's name?
What bear did he find ?
Who did the bear belong to?
Challenge: -What happened at the end of the story ?
If you lost your bear how would you feel?
WALT :Draw a picture and attempt some ‘writing’
Activity: Draw a picture of a teddy bear. It can be the bear from the story or your own bear from home
Challenge – try to write ‘t’ for teddy bear
Mathematics and Numeracy:
WALT : Understand the language of size and find the big and small object.
Activity:. Draw a picture or colour the pictures below of the big and small teddies.
Challenge –Find some objects that are big and small, long and short ,heavy and light.
WALT :.How a baptism is celebrated.
Watch the video.
Baptism celebrations
Activity After watching the video think about how Jamie’s family celebrated the baptism.
Did they have special balloons at the church hall ?
What party food did they have ?
What was the special cake like?
Challenge – Draw a picture of the balloons that were at the special party.