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Year 1 2014-2015

Welcome to Year 1's Class Page


Happy Easter!


Year 1 Teachers are Mrs Gallivan and Miss Williams.

Year 1 Teaching Assistants are Miss Williams and Miss Archer.


Dates for your Diary

Topic Launch -                                17th April

1G Class Assembly -                         21st April

1W Class Assembly -                        23rd April

Sports Day -                                     TBC


Summer Term  2015.
Here is our curriculum overview for the Summer Term.

Our context for learning is a Science-based context 'Mini Beasts'.



We will be starting the topic with pupil voice. The children will be involved in planning their own launch day activities and contributing their ideas to what they would like to learn in the context mini beasts. Through the context, the children will be writing facts about mini beasts using describing words. They will be listening to  the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and rewriting it in their own words. We will be writing our own mini beast poems and sequencing the story of "The Angry Butterfly" using time connectives.


Daily morning phonic sessions will be continuing where the children will be revising cvc words and moving on to cvcc words. If you want to find out more, visit the letters and sounds website. As part of our phonic teaching, the children will be continuing to use our spelling scheme 'Nessy' on the computer.

The children are responding well to our daily flashcard sessions. The children are focusing on expression and comprehension in our Guided Group Reading sessions and will continue to be heard individually at least once a week. We hope to change their home reader every time a parent comment is written in their reading records. We would appreciate if you would write a comment in their reading record book as your feedback is valuable to us and if 3 comments are made in the reading record every week, at the end of the term the children will receive a reward. The children will be reading books about our context in our role-play area and we will also be reading big books in class lessons. Don't forget to visit our Bug Club website. If you need a reminder of login details, please feel free to ask.

This half term the children will be concentrating on place value to 100,; ordinal numbers up to 20th; addition facts to 10 and positional and directional language. In our role play area 'Sainsbury's Long Ago', the children will have practical experience of using standard weights in grams.


Personal and Social Development
Our SEAL topic is  "Relationships". RE is about "Special Books". The children will be making a class book of their favourite books. We will introduce the bible to the class and read a selection of stories. We will read the story of Mary Jones and the welsh bible. We will introduce the Qur'an and read the story of Muhammad and the Spider.


Knowledge and Understanding

In science we will be identifying animals and plants that live in the outdoor environment. We will look at the effects the different seasons have on some animals and plants. We will be learning about our senses and how we use them. We will observe differences and sort animals and plants. We will look at how bees pollinate flowers and use our senses to taste and describe honey. We will learn about the habitats of mini beasts and the life cycle of a butterfly.


In History we are looking at the legend of Robert the Bruce and the Spider.


Design and Technology

The children will be designing, making and evaluating a puppet of a minibeast.


In Welsh we will be revising previous sentence patterns such as: Ble mae? Beth sy' yn y.....? Pa liw? and Oes.....da ti? We will also be looking at new patterns such as: Sut mae ......? and Beth sydd ar y fferm? We will be learning new songs and reading books with the children with a strong focus on oracy.


Both classes will be taking part in PE on a Thursday so please could all children bring a PE kit including trainers as we will be going outside this term.

This term, the children will be revising known body schooling actions and learning new ones. We will be going outside to do games where we will focus on learning skills with small apparatus such as throwing and catching; throwing at a target; dribbling and kicking a ball at a target and learning the rules of simple games.



The children will be creating observational drawings of different insects and redrafting drawing showing accuracy in shape and colour. The will explore patterns on mini beasts, particularly butterflies. 



The children will be taking part in weekly music lessons and this term they are exploring "Rain, rain go away" and playing instruments along with songs. They will be looking at rhythm, body percussion and learning songs for our class assemblies.


The children will continue to take home weekly homework which is given out on a Friday and collected in on a Monday. This will be a short task for the children to complete with their parents comprising of spellings through handwriting and maths or personal and social activity.

Pupil Voice

At the beginning of the term the children will be asked what they want to find out about our context  "Mini beasts' then every week the children will be asked what they want to find out in their learning and their ideas will be developed through our weekly planning.


We are really looking forward to this interesting context. We have lots of interesting activities planned and can't wait for the children to enjoy them.

The Year 1 team.

Class Weekly Timetable
