Croeso i Blwyddyn 1.
Welcome to Year 1.
The year 1 teachers this year are Mrs McCrann and Miss Binstead, and our teaching assistants are Mrs West and Mrs Stimpson.
We are really excited to be learning all about DINOSAURS in our topic called 'Dinosaur Planet'. We have already been on a 'dino hunt' outside where we found evidence of dinosaurs- fossils and bones, and even some GIANT dinosaur eggs!!
Further details of our planned learning activities can be found below in our topic overview and medium term planner.
Attendance- Remember our weekly target for class attendance is 97%. School starts at 8.50am so please be on the yard to start the day promptly.
Uniform- Blue jumper/cardigan , white / blue polo shirt , grey trousers/skirt and black shoes. (Not trainers).
PE Kit-White T-shirt preferably with Glyncoed logo, navy shorts or navy jogging bottoms.
We have PE lessons on a Wednesday and Friday, and suggest that the PE kit is left in school until half term.
Wellies- we take part in lots of learning outside and will need a pair of wellington boots with your child's name on please.
Reading books- We will provide your child with a home reading book and expect them to read with you at home- ideally every night. Please sign the reading record book with a comment and make sure you child brings their reading book to school every day.
Homework- every week on a Friday, your child will bring home their homework book with a task related to the learning taking place. There will also be spellings to practise. Please support your child to complete these activities and return the book to school by the following Wednesday.
Snack and water- we are a 'healthy school' and encourage our pupils to eat fruit or vegetables at break time. Pupils can also purchase a piece of fruit from the fruit trolley for 30p if they wish. We also encourage the pupils to bring a bottle of water for the classroom.
Autumn 2.
Our new topic is Moon Zoom.
We are looking forward to our journey into space and discovering amazing facts about planets and the universe. Have a look at our medium term planner below for more details.
Spring 2018
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Pawb!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Our new topic is 'PAWS, CLAWS AND WHISKERS'- you've guessed it- we are going to be learning all about animals this term.
We'll be finding out about similarities and differences between animals- looking at their size, patterns and colouring, as well as finding our how to look after them. We'll learn to write about this in booklets and leaflets. We have our very own 'vets surgery' in the role play area where we will be developing our oracy and co-operation skills.
We'll be listening to some traditional tales about animals and re-telling them in our own words with our own illustrations. Year 1 is going to be such an exciting place to learn this term- keep checking our class page for latest news and photographs of our 'learning journey'.
Summer Term 2
Super heroes!