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Year 2

Croeso i flwyddyn 2!
Welcome to Year 2!


Thank you for visiting our Year 2 web page.  We hope you find it useful.  The teachers in Year 2 are Miss Tomlinson and Mrs Davies with Mrs Smith and Mrs Kibble also support learning in our class.

Year 2 Curriculum overview – Summer 2013


Our context for learning (topic) for the 2nd half of the Summer Term is ‘Spot the Difference!’ which among other things will cover looking at toys in the past and also how materials change.  Here is an overview of this half term.

Language, Literacy and Communication Development


Children will develop their writing skills across the curriculum in response to various stimuli linked to the topic.  The Big Books covered this half term include: ‘Jane Pritchard – Child of the Manor’, ‘All kind of toys’, ‘Looking at teddy bears’ and ‘How to make toys from the past. Through following ‘Cornerstones’ writing scheme the children will continue to develop their writing skills by writing a non-chronological report.

Spelling -Children will continue to develop spelling and phonic skills through following ‘Letter’s and Sounds’ scheme and ‘Nessy’ spelling scheme. 

Handwriting - Children will continue to be taught to form their letters correctly writing on lined paper and continue to join letters following our ‘Penpals’ handwriting scheme.


Children will be taught reading and phonic skills in a group. A book, of a similar level, will be sent home for you to help your child with their reading (please read ‘Read at home with your child’ leaflet for more information on supporting your child which was sent home at the beginning of the school year). We hope that your children are enjoying the newly purchased ‘Bug Club’ reading books. Please take time to complete the activities that are on the inside covers of the books with your child. You can also access ‘Bug Club’ reading books online. Please ask your child’s teacher if you need their log in details.


Speaking and Listening 

Through drama, role play, continuous and enhanced provision, book discussions, individual, partner, group and class discussions children will learn to incorporate relevant detail and identify what is essential in their explanations, descriptions and narratives. 

Mathematical Development

Number work 
To continue to develop an understanding of the relationships between addition and subtraction and between multiplication (x2, x3, x4, x5 and x10 tables) and division. To understand the relationship between doubling and halving numbers. To sort, organise and interpret information.
Number work 

 To recognise the relationship between halves and quarters.
To classify and describe 2D and 3D shapes.
To recognise line symmetry and make symmetrical patterns.


Personal & Social Development, Well-Being & Cultural Diversity

This term we will be finding out about:

  • The values of happiness and co-operation.
  • The SEAL topic of ‘Changes.
  • Continuation of ‘Leaders’ in the religions of Christianity and Judaism  (R.E.)

Knowledge and understanding of the World – All around the World.


We will be learning about:

  • Homes from the past. We will be visiting Llanciach Fawr.
  • Toys from the past. Do parents/grandparents still have any toys that they used to play with?
  • Different materials and how the effects of heating and cooling can cause reversible or permanent changes.


Welsh Language Development

We will be learning and practising vocabulary and language patterns to help us talk about our toys in Welsh, as well as continuing to practise welsh words and phrases incidentally during our everyday classroom activities.

Creative Development


Children will be investigating, exploring, designing, making, modifying and evaluating a moving vehicle.

Physical Development

This half term we will be focussing on developing our games and athletic skills in preparation for Sports day!

·         Mrs Davies’s class have P.E on Thursdays. Miss Tomlinson’s class have P.E on Mondays. Please make sure your child has a pair of shorts, t-shirt and trainers. 

·         Please label all clothing clearly.

·         Your child may leave their kit in school for the whole half term.

·         No jewellery.


Outdoor Learning

Learning in the foundation phase isn’t restricted to the four walls of the classroom. Some examples of how we will be using the outdoor area this half term are:

·         Sand and water investigation in mathematics.

·         Drama skills in literacy – acting out some of the Big Books using natural resources.

·         Developing personal and social skills.

·         Finding out about games children played long ago.

·         Sorting man-made and natural materials.

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites! 
