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Year 2


Welcome Back!


A very warm welcome back to our summer term in Year 2. We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and are rested and ready for the busy term ahead. Our class page is intended to give you an overview of the term ahead and also a few reminders!


Meet the Year 2 Team

I’m thrilled to introduce the Year 2 Team: Miss Lane, Mrs McCrann, Mrs Smith, Mr Owen and Mrs O'Rourke.


Summer Topic- Scented Garden

Wellies at the ready Year 2...round and round the mulberry bush we go, we will be planting bulbs and seeds, and watching them grow beneath sunshine and showers this term! We will also be exploring the astounding world of the scented garden, but be careful, there are some wild and dangerous plants out there that do astonishing things- just don't touch!


Throughout our topic we will be finding out about the uses and properties of plants, flowers and herbs, undertaking observational drawings and making sculptures and will be introduced to Helen Keller who used her senses of smell and touch to explore and learn about the world around her. 

Spring Topic -

Muck, Mess and Mixtures

Throughout our topic we will be experiencing a variety of weird and wonderful mixtures that we can feel with our hands and feet. Creating messy mixtures from cornflour and water, paint, jelly, paste, shaving foam, body lotion, soap flakes and clay. In the Year 2 laboratory we will be establishing ground rules for working. We can't wait to launch our 'Messy Mondays' where our learning will take place outside! Can we ask that all children come to school with a set of waterproof  clothes including a coat and wellies and be prepared to get messy! 

Autumn Topic 2 (November - December) - 

Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

See that Castle ahead? Get ready to invade its mighty walls! This term you will be shooting a projectile with an anchors aim! Meeting Rapunzel who lives in a tall, tall tower, Let's build a new one....whose is the tallest? 


We will be digging deep, making burrows and tunnels, exploring the animals that live underground. 


What's that sound? You will need to watch out for that angry troll underneath that rickety bridge! He likes to eat girls and boys! We will be making sure that our bridges are sturdy enough to take the weight and get us safely to the other side.


And finally...we will meet the three little pigs who need your help to build a strong fortress...hopefully no huffing or puffing will blow your fortress down!


Please click on the link below to read our full curriculum overview.



Autumn Topic 1 (September to October) - Land Ahoy


Ahoy, Me Hearties! This half term our topic is called Land Ahoy!

We will be using this topic to investigate and research famous pirates from the past who sailed the seven seas and consider whether we would choose to be part of a pirate's crew or, if in fact their life choices may not have always been the best! 


During our topic we will:

  • Write pirate stories with familiar settings
  • Investigate floating and sinking. How do huge ships stay afloat?
  • Geography- Name the oceans and seas of the world. Where would you choose to sail a ship if you were a pirate?
  • Research currant day sailors, our modern day intrepid explorers.
  • Encounter many pirate experiences that bring our learning to life!


Please click on the link below to read our full curriculum overview.



Helpful Information


• Homework - each week, pupils will be given 1 extension activity to complete at home.


• Home Reading- your child will be provided with a reading book along with a reading diary. As we have such a huge focus on reading at Glyncoed, we ask that you listen to your child read at home and ask that they read for 10 minutes every day. We also ask that you leave a comment in your child’s diary that refers to how your child has read their book.


• Uniform- school uniform is compulsory. All pupils need to be wearing the school t-shirt (blue/white), school trousers or skirt and a school jumper. Suitable black shoes must also be worn. We kindly ask that you label your child's clothing to avoid it getting taken home by another pupil by mistake. Lost property will be gathered each day and kept in a box in the Infant Hall.


• PE days – pupils will need both indoor and outdoor kit. We have indoor PE on a Monday and Games outdoors on a Wednesday this term.Kit should include the Glyncoed t-shirt and blue shorts and also warm tracksuit bottoms and a warm jumper for outdoors. 


• Wellington boots- as a large amount of time is spent learning outdoors, we ask that all children are provided with a pair of wellington boots. Please remember to label these with your child's name and class.


• Class assemblies and concerts – the infant pupils will take part in a Christmas concert this year and class assembly dates will be confirmed shortly.


• Morning lining up procedures- For safety reasons we kindly ask parents to enter the school grounds via the second gate on the junior yard. When the bell rings, children enter the infant playground via the middle gate. We ask that parents leave children at this gate and do not enter the infant yard. Teachers are unavailable for discussions in the mornings (child safety). Please see us at the end of the day or ring the office to make an appointment.


• Dismissals- Year 2 pupils will be dismissed from the main infant entrance.


We look forward to learning together,


The Year 2 Team smiley









Messy Monday

Our trip to Caldicot Castle

Check out our Halloween fun at school today!

Some of our fantastic homework projects!

Topic Overview- The Scented Garden

Topic Overview- Muck, Mess and Mixtures

Topic Overview- Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

Year 2 Timetable

Creative Homework Letter
