Welcome to Year 3
Current Topic - Gods and Mortals
Teaching staff
3V - Miss Vernazza
3T - Mrs Evans
Teaching Assistant - Mr Owens
Welcome back to all pupils and parents. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break and are refreshed and relaxed for an exciting term in Year 3. We are very excited to welcome you all into Key Stage 2.
Our weekly timetable and topic overview can be found below. Should you have any questions or queries about the upcoming term please do not hesitate to pop in and see your child's class teacher. We are really looking forward to the year ahead!
Our new topic this term is Tribe! We will be finding out all about life during the Iron Age.
This term, we are preparing for the upcoming Literacy and Numeracy test in May. Please follow links below to practice at home with your child. These will take place between the 2nd - 9th May 2018.
House keeping
Attendance- Remember our weekly target for class attendance is 96% so make sure you arrive on time and make that EXTRA EFFORT to attend even when you're not feeling the best.
Blue jumper/cardigan with or without the Glyncoed logo, white shirt/polo shirt with or without the Glyncoed logo, grey trousers/skirt and black shoes (not trainers). Please ensure all unifrom is clearly labelled.
PE Kit
P.E. - Outdoor Games will take place every Monday with indoor PE sessions on a Tuesday. We suggest that it is best for the children to bring their PE kit in on a Monday and take it home on a Friday to ensure it is always in school.
P.E kits are: White t-shirt with/without Glyncoed logo, navy shorts or navy jogging bottoms for outdoor lessons, black PE pumps for indoor sessions and trainers for outdoor games.
Homework will be sent home every Friday. Homework slips will be stuck into your child's homoework book to explain the tasks. We ask that homework is returned to school by Wednesday to allow time for children to show it to the class during the afternoon sessions. Homework will consist of reading, maths and a topic/literacy based task. Creative homework tasks will be set every half term in readiness for the new topic.
Your child will recieve their new spellings every week on a Tuesday. They will then be tested the following Tuesday by their spelling group teacher. If your child misplaces their spellings, they need to see their spelling teacher for a new copy.
Reading Records
Reading records should be brought to school every day and be placed in the correct guided group reading basket. Your child's teacher will check reading diaries every week when new reading books are issued. Children need to read at least three times a week and this should be recorded in their reading record. Children who read other texts at home aswell, such as their own books, can also record these in their reading record. Your child has been allocated the relevant levelled books on Bug Club and login information can be found in the front of your child's reading record.