Welcome to Year Three!
Class Teachers:
Miss Vernazza (3V)
Mr Sullivan (3S)
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Smith
Miss Davies
Welcome to our year group page. Here, you will find useful information linked to our current learning and other relevant school documentation.
General Information
Children should be lined up with their relevant class when the bell goes at 8:50 am. Children should not arrive at school until after 8:40 am as they are unsupervised before this time. Latecomers need to sign in at the main reception. If your child is absent, please call the school or provide a note explaining their absence. The children will be dismissed at 3:25 pm at the Year 3 doors. If you would like to speak to a teacher, please wait until all the children have been dismissed. Please ensure that the school is informed if your child is being picked up by somebody different for safeguarding purposes.
As you know, regular attendance at school is very important. Our school attendance target is 96.5%, therefore we ask that you take holidays in school holiday time, not in term time. We also ask that you make dental and doctor appointments at the end of the school day wherever possible.
We are a healthy school and therefore snacks should consist of fruit and/or vegetables. We would ask that children either bring in their own snacks or they can buy from the fruit trolley. Fruit is usually 20p or 30p. Children can also bring in a bottle of water to drink throughout the day. Please ensure that water bottles and snack boxes are clearly labelled with your child's name and class.
Home Reading
Your child will be provided with a reading book along with a reading diary. As we have such a huge focus on reading at Glyncoed, we ask that you listen to your child read at home for 10 minutes everyday. We also ask that you leave a comment in your child’s diary that refers to how your child has read their book.
They will also be allocated one Bug Club reading book per week, which is accessible online at the following website:
Your child has been issued with a username and password. Should you need a reminder, please see your child's class teacher.
Each week, pupils will be given one homework task linked to their current learning. This will be in addition to their weekly spellings, timestable practice and home reading book.
Spellings will be glued into their reading diaries each week for them to practise at home. Their homework task can be found in their cream homework book.
School uniform is compulsory. All pupils need to be wearing the school t-shirt (blue/white), school trousers or skirt and a school jumper. Suitable black shoes must also be worn. We kindly ask that you label your child's clothing to avoid it getting taken home by another pupil by mistake. Lost property will be gathered each day and kept in a box in the Infant Hall.
PE days
Pupils will need a suitable PE kit available in school everyday. Kit should include the Glyncoed t-shirt, blue shorts/trousers and appropriate footwear. Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please label all items of clothing!
School trips
Children are encouraged to attend all educational trips, which form part of their learning. Costs are kept to a minimum and all pupils are expected to contribute, as lack of funds can lead to trips being cancelled. We are always in need of parent volunteers.
Class Assemblies and Concerts
The Year 3 pupils will take part in a Christmas concert this year and class assembly dates will be confirmed later on in the year.
Useful Websites
Here are some useful websites for our topics.
Gods and Mortals