Summer Term 1- Misty Mountains
A warm welcome back to everyone in Year 4 after what we hope has been a restful and replenishing few weeks off. The children are returning for their last term in Year 4 but what an exciting term to look forward to.
Before we begin our journey into the misty mountains we have the trip to the Roman Fortress and Baths to look forward to. We hope it will give the children a perfect opportunity to show off all of their incredible learning from the Spring term. They worked extremely hard over the months so this trip will give them a chance to revel in the opportunity to experience life as a Roman first hand.
National testing will begin the week commencing 1st May 2017. The children will be completing three tests over a two week period, comprising of a reading paper (which tests comprehension) numeracy reasoning and numeracy procedural. We are using every opportunity to improve the children's understanding of how to tackle formal questioning and give them the tools necessary to feel confident when they sit the test.
If you would like some useful websites for Numeracy past papers please use the following links:
General Housekeeping
PE lessons will remain as Wednesday (indoor) and Thursday (Outdoor)
Please remember that due to health and safety, children will only be allowed to participate if they have full PE Kit. This includes suitable shoes.
Any issues throughout the term, please don't hesitate to find us before or after school.
Many thanks,
The Year 4 team.
Spring Term 2 - The Romans
Welcome back to everyone in Year 4. We hope you have had a fantastic break and are refreshed and raring to attack our new topic............THE ROMANS!
Over the coming weeks we will be marching into battle, heading full force into learning about the Roman Empire, their dominance across Europe, the amazing inventions and murderous weapons they used to take over power from the rest of the world.
A huge thank you for the incredible shields that have already appeared in our classrooms. Our next display is sure to be a exciting and powerful one. Just like the Romans themselves!
Keep checking the website for details of our next trip. We are hoping to visit Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths to give the children first-hand experience of what it was like to live in a Roman town.
Many thanks.
The Year 4 team.
Blwydden Newydd Dda 2017
A warm welcome back to everyone in Year 4. We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas break and have come back to school refreshed and ready for everything that 2017 has to throw at you!
We are extremely lucky to have three members of teaching staff which has allowed our class sizes to become a lot smaller. This means that we can push learning experiences further than ever before and spend more time working alongside the children. As teachers we are extremely excited by this prospect and we hope that the children respond similarly.
Our topic for the term is Potions so keep an eye out for all things magical and mystical as we journey through the weeks ahead. The creative homework was to make a witches/wizards hat and we have already had some wonderful examples coming in through the doors on the first day back! We cannot thank parents enough for the enthusiasm they show towards the children's learning and development at Glyncoed Primary School. It is greatly appreciated.
We have uploaded a new timetable to show where PE days have slightly changed. PLEASE take time to look at this so the children remember their kit on the correct days.
Many thanks,
Mr Davies, Miss Pelech and Mr Searle (The Year 4 team.)
Welcome back to everyone in Year 4. We hope that you had a fantastic week off and have returned to school ready to dive right in to our new topic "Blue Abyss."
How deep is the deepest ocean?
What happens to ships and aeroplanes in the Bermuda Triangle?
Can a shark really smell blood from 3 miles away?
Did pirates really make people walk the plank?
These are just some of the amazing and intriguing questions that we will look to answer during this wonderful topic.
We also hope to book a trip to Bristol Aquarium to see some of these wonderful creatures up close and personal. So watch this space!
Many thanks.
Mr Davies and Miss Pelech.
CROESO BLWYDDEN 4- Welcome Year 4.
Hello and a warm welcome to all the pupils, parents and carers in Year 4 at Glyncoed Primary School. We hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer packed full of exciting activities. We cannot wait to hear your stories and tales of the adventures you got up to during the six weeks off.
Your teachers for the forthcoming year are Mr Davies and Miss Pelech, with classroom support coming from Miss Lam. We are extremely excited to begin this journey with you and we hope that you arrive back feeling refreshed, inspired and motivated to begin another year here at the school.
As you can see from the rather scientific images at the top of the page, we are beginning the term with quite a medical/scientific topic- Burps, Bottoms and Bile! We will be exploring the journey through the human digestive system, learning about what the body does with the food we eat. We aim to draw on the creative and musical skills of the staff within the year group, so look out for lots of giant art projects and musical mayhem!
There will be a chance for the children to come to school dressed as mad scientists on our topic launch day (More information will be given during the first week back) and take part in scientific workshops where we hope to turn the classrooms into mini laboratories.
Exciting times lie ahead, so buckle up, take a deep breath and jump right in from the very first Monday you arrive back in school. We can't wait and we hope you feel the same.
House keeping
Attendance- Remember our weekly target for class attendance is 96% so make sure you arrive on time and make that EXTRA EFFORT to attend even when you're not feeling the best.
Uniform- Blue jumper/cardigan with or without the Glyncoed logo, white shirt/polo shirt with or without the Glyncoed logo, grey trousers/skirt and black shoes. (Not trainers)
PE Kit- white polo shirt with or without the Glyncoed logo, black/blue shorts or jogging bottoms,(for outside lessons) black PE pumps for indoor lessons or trainers for outside lessons.
Reading books- We will regularly provide your children with a reading book from our bug club library which is levelled correctly for their reading ability. To accompany this they should continue using their home/school reader record which is to be used when listening to your child read. You can make a comment in the journal that refers to how well your child has read the book (including errors made/parts they struggled with), how confident their reading was and whether or not they enjoyed the text. We ask that you aim to listen to your child read 3 times a week to accompany the various reading activities we provide in school.