Creative Writing Task
Carrying on with our context 'What is a Shadow?' can your child learn the song 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.Help them to hear the words that sound the same /rhyme.Talk about what stars look like .Perhaps they could look for stars in the night sky before bed time.
Morning Nursery could try and draw a star and then as a challenge try to write the word star .Some children who are able to identify sounds in their writing might be able to build the word star.Firstly they could start by thinking about and writing what sound the word begins with then by staying the word slowly listen for any other sounds they might recognise.Lastly can they hear the end sound of the word.if this is too difficult let your child draw a picture and write the first sound copying an example.
Afternoon Nursery could mark make a star and practise tracing over the letter 's'.This is a sound they would have learnt about in school.
Encourage your child to hold the pencil in a pincer grip and showing them where to start on the letter encourage them to press down firmly tracing the letter.
Using this rhyme talk about what else is bright and shiny.Go on a treasure hunt around the house looking for bright shiny objects.
Share other nursery rhymes with your child and encourage them to hear other words that sound the same.Perhaps you have a story about stars at home we would love to hear about them if you do.Please email us and we can share these books for others to read.
Morning nursery children can continue learning to write their names ready for Reception.Make sure your child is confident in writing their first name before they move on to writing their surname.Help your child by showing them where to start and finish in the correct place when writing the letter.To develop confidence they might need to trace over the letter first before they are ready to write the letter on their own. Remember to keep this as fun as possible maybe writing their name in rice or even tomato sauce!
Afternoon children can explore mark making pre letter patterns through the interactive programme 'Squigglet' which can be found on You Tube. This week they can explore straight lines through the story Get Squiggling -Cat
Let the children enjoy making their own attempts at mark making inside or outside ,large scale or small scale with a wide variety of media.
Remember to continue reading a variety of stories to your child.It is important that the children learn how to handle books ,for example holding the book correctly,turning the pages and finding the beginning of the story.Encourage your child to describe the pictures and talk about the events.Ask them to identify their favourite part and their favourite character. For the afternoon children your child should be able to find the text and pictures on the page and know the direction of the print.Do not forget to use our online reading resource Bug Club.Your child's log on details are on the previous page.
Some morning children might be ready to start recognising words and we have attached a copy of the Phase 2 tricky words and decodable words for you to print and practise at home.
The morning children need to continue to recap all of the Phase 2 sounds that we have covered so far.Please use the phonicsplay website to practise and reinforce sounds,s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll and ss.
It is important for your child to be able to build these sounds to make words.This week can they try to think of words ending in 'at' for example bat cat rat mat sat hat.This is something your child would have practised in school.Let the children try to talk like a robot sounding out each letter eg c-a-t.
Afternoon children are working on Phase 1.This week can they talk about their favourite sound inside or outside.Is it a loud or quiet sound? What sounds take place in different rooms of the house? Again there are games to support this learning on the Phonicsplay website.
This week the focus is on money. Firstly let your child find coins in a limited collection of other objects like buttons stones and counters.Only use coins up to 10p.
Encourage your child to look closely at the coins and sort them according to colour and size.You could also ask them to identify the number on the coin reinforcing their number recognition . Then you could demonstrate the purpose of money through role play. Set up a toy shop or food shop with your child labelling the items with a price keeping to 5p or 10p depending on how confident your child is with numbers.Use 1p coins for your children to count out different amounts depending on what they want to buy. Encourage your child to say the number as they count out the coins.
Sing the song 'Five Current Buns in a Bakers Shop' ( You Tube ) with your child to reinforce this concept.
Please continue to develop number recognition with your child each week .A fun way to do this is to go on a number hunt .Hide numbers to 5 or 10 depending on how confident your child is with numbers inside or outside the house. Do not forget 0. When all the numbers are found you could help your child put the numbers in the correct order. Ask them questions like ,which number comes next ? Which number is more? Which number is less?
Lastly your child could attempt mark making of numbers .Show your child how to form the number pointing to where to start.This can be done in a muti sensory way using different materials like writing in flour or using felt pens to make rainbow numbers.Please send any photographs of your child taking part in these practical fun activities to Mrs Evans or Mrs Gallivan