Home Learning School Closure
As part of your home learning pack for morning Nursery you will find the phase 2 letter sounds with formation practice. Your child should continue to learn these sounds and practice forming letters. To support this learning the website www.phonicsplay.co.uk is available for use at home. The children are familiar with the games and activities on this site already so would be a great resource for you. Also for the afternoon Nursery there are pattern sheets to develop pencil control. Please visit the BBC Sound Stimulus web site to develop Phase 1 environmental sounds recognition.
The children have been working very hard to recognise and write their name, if you could continue to support them with this at home that would be of great benefit to them.
Also please remember to choose some fun activities to develop fine motor control. There is a sheet attached below with lots of ideas.
Also for the morning Nursery number formation sheets have been sent home to practice number formation and touch counting to 10. Please encourage children to explore number in a fun and interesting way such as counting items and playing games and even writing numbers in shaving foam. There are many games for the children on www.topmarks.com to help the children with their counting and number recognition. Afternoon Nursery have been given work to learn numbers to 5 and touch counting objects to 5 along with an activity to develop understanding of sorting and matching shapes and colours.
Bug Club Reading -This is an online reading resource for you to share with your children. All Nursery children have been allocated discussion books to enjoy.
Follow these steps to access.
1.Go to www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
2.Enter the login details;
Mrs Gallivan's Class
username : child's first name34
password : sat34
school code :glyn
Mrs Evans class
username: child's full first name all lower case2 (names with a hyphen will have these in the username)
password: dog22
school code: glyn
We will be uploading Literacy and Maths homework on a weekly basis.
With children using online resources and accessing the internet on a daily basis, please look at the link below regarding staying safe online from PC Cadwalladr.
It might be worthwhile to also take this opportunity to use this time at home to get involved in special activities with your children. Use this shared time at home to take part in art activities, cookery, gardening, lots of sharing of reading books and craft activities.
If you need to contact us or send some examples of work please send us an email to:
Homework Friday 6th March 2020
This week the children have been working on counting and writing their numbers. Next week is assessment week and we will be completing an assessment on counting and writing. Over the weekend could reinforce number recognition and writing of numbers to 5. You could try and spot numbers when you are out shopping or even in books.
Next week our sound of the week is 'b'. If your child would like to bring an item for our sound table that would be great!
Thank you for your continued support.
The Nursery Team
This week the children have been finding out about dragons for the Eisteddfod. Next week they will be writing about dragons. Over the weekend could you share some stories about dragons and some pictures of dragons to help to develop their vocabulary ready for writing next week.
Next week our sound of the week is 'h'. If your child would like to bring an item for our sound table that would be great!
Thank you for your continued support.
The Nursery Team
Homework Friday 14th February
Over half term it would be great if your child can complete the creative homework for our new topic 'Are Eggs Alive?'. This was to make a model of an egg. It can be any kind of egg and you can choose how to make the model yourself. Don't forget about St Davids Day and our Eisteddfod homework, which was explained on the letter.
We would like to wish you a fantastic half term!
Thank you for your continued support
The Nursery Team
Homework Friday 7th February
This week the children have really enjoyed learning about coins and money/
Could you please help your child to explore different coins at home? If you would like to make some coin rubbings using real 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins we would love to see them next week.
Next week our sound of the week is 'r'. If your child would like to bring an item for our sound table that would be great!
Thank you for your continued support.
The Nursery Team
Homework 31st January
This week we have been exploring sizes of objects and ordering them by size. Can you help reinforce the language, small, big, tall, short etc? Can you help your child order objects they find in the home or outdoors such as sticks or blocks? Any photos of this would be great!
The sound of the week next week is 'u'. If your child can bring an object or picture of something beginning with this letter for our sound table that would be great.
Thank you for your continued support.
Homework Friday 24th January
This week the children have had great fun learning about 3D shapes.
Could you please help your child to find 3D shapes around your home and even when you are out and about to reinforce the names of simple 3D shapes and where we might find them? If you would like to make a model with your child using recycled materials using 3D shapes we would love to see them next week!
Next week our sound of the week is 'e'. If your child would like to bring an item for our sound table that would be great!
Also a little reminder about our creative homework this half term which is to create a collage of a rainbow.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Nursery Team