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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
Telephone 02920 733694

20th April 2020




Creative writing task

Can you read the book Tyrannosaurs Drip with your child. If you don't have a copy you can find a version on youtube. Discuss the story and sequence of the story. How do you think Tyrannosaurus Drip is feeling? What words would you use to describe Tyrannosaurus Drip?


Encourage your child to draw a picture Tyrannosaurus Drip. Can they describe what he looks like? Can the children write a simple sentence to describe him or write describing words around him.


For example based on ability: Some children who are able to identify sounds in their writing might build a simple sentence using high frequency words 'he is green and small'. Some children will be able to use some sounds in their work to represent this. Some children may be able to use marks and lines to represent this sentence. Some children will be drawing a picture to represent their ideas.


Using this story discuss other animals that hatch out of eggs- how many different animals can they discover that hatch from eggs? Can they make models of them using play dough? See the link below for a simple playdough recipe to make with your children.


Remember it is important to keep singing nursery rhymes every day and to share stories with your child.



Afternoon Nursery are exploring different ways to mark make.This can be done outside in a large large scale way using paintbrushes and chalks or inside with crayons pencils and felttips. Let the children lead the activity using their own imagination and interests.

The morning children can explore forming 'one armed robot' letters. These are letters 'r, b, n, h, m, k, p.' Remember it is important for children to explore creating these letters in lots of ways, rather than just using a pencil e.g. in paint, in sand etc.



Remember to continue reading a variety of stories with your child. It is important that children learn how to use books for example turning pages, holding the book the correct way, discussing the pictures in detail, predicting what might happen in the story and locating text on a page and knowing the direction of the print. This week can you practice the words: I, am, we, look. There are further phase 2 flashcards on the phonics play website.Afternoon Nursery could practise recognising their name and finding the print in a reading book understanding that words can be written down as well as spoken.



As well as listening for sounds inside and outside the house afternoon children can start to learn about the sound 's'.They could go on a sound hunt finding objects beginning with this sound. Does their name begin with this sound? Get Squiiggling on You Tube can help the children find out more about this sound.

Morning children are learning about the  sound 'ss' looking at it at the end if words. Please use the phonicsplay website to practice and reinforce sounds. Maybe you could go on a sound hunt around the house and see what you can find that begins with that sound. Recap all of the sounds we have done so far: 's, a, t, p, I, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l and ll.



Can you explore different coins with your child- 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p. Afternoon children could sort the coins into different groups .Morning children could set up a pretend shop and get children to select the right coin to pay for the items. encourage touch counting to 10 with your child. Can they identify the correct number on the coin? Do they understand that 5p is made up of 5 1ps? The game below should help with this.


Please continue to sing number rhymes with your child such as 5 little ducks etc. Youtube have many versions of these.


Try and keep your children active by using these 5 minute workouts by The Body Coach


The Body Coach is also delivering a PE session style workout every morning at 9:00am via his youtube channel. Great fun for all of the family.


Also try these dance activities in Lets Move!

This week try the pirate dance.

