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Telephone 02920 733694

4th May 2020





Creative writing task

Our new topic for the Summer Term is What is a Shadow? This will be a theme through the activities set for home learning.

Can you read the book Night Monkey Day Monkey with your child. If you don't have a copy you can find a version on youtube. Discuss the differences between night and day- How do they look different? Which animals come out at night? What do most people do at night? etc.  Discuss the sequence of a day and daily routines.


Encourage your child to draw a picture of the sun and moon. Encourage the children to describe the sun and moon and talk about what happens in the day time and night time. As a challenge  for the morning nursery children  they  can try to write a sentence about the sun or moon?

For example based on ability: Some children who are able to identify sounds in their writing might build a the word 'sun' independently identifying the sounds- moon is a little more tricky as the children have not come across the 'oo' sound, but this is something you can introduce to your child if they are ready. Some children will be able to use some sounds in their work to represent the words- focus on the 's' and the 'm' as the initial sounds. Please say the words slowly with the children so they are able to identify the sounds they can hear. Some children may be able to use marks and lines to represent this sentence. Some children will be drawing a picture to represent their ideas.


Using this story discuss what you see when the sun is out-SHADOWS. Can they make a shadow on the ground in the garden? Can they draw around a shadow that is made? On your daily walk can they see any shadows? Can they chase their shadows? Whose shadow is longer? At bed time instead of the usual bedtime story- can you create a story using shadows on your wall?


Remember it is important to keep singing nursery rhymes every day and to share stories with your child. Please share any good books you have read recently by letting us know by email and we can share these books for others to read.



The  morning children have explored different letter formation patterns. Ready for Reception the focus for handwriting this week is their name. For the children who can already write their names, they can learn their surnames. Remember to keep practicing all different letter formation and make it as fun as possible.

Afternoon children can explore mark making pre letter patterns through  the fun interactive programme 'Squigglet' which can be found on You Tube .



Remember to continue reading a variety of stories with your child. It is important that children learn how to use books for example turning pages, holding the book the correct way, discussing the pictures in detail, predicting what might happen in the story and locating text on a page and knowing the direction of the print.For the morning children I have attached a copy of the phase 2 tricky words and decodable words for you to print to practice at home.




For the morning children we need to continue to recap of all of the phase 2 sounds we have learnt so far. Please use the phonicsplay website to practice and reinforce sounds. Maybe you could go on a sound hunt around the house and see what you can find that begins with that sound. Recap all of the sounds we have done so far: 's, a, t, p, I, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll and ss.

If your child can identify all of these sounds they can continue onto Phase 3- The first sounds on Phase 3 for you to practice are j, v, w, x.

All of the resources you need are on the phonics play website and you can find the order of phonic teaching for you to use with your child.

Afternoon children are working on Phase 1 .For this week they can explore voice and body sounds.Can they stamp with their feet and clap with their hands?What other sounds can they make with their hands ? Also what sounds can they make  make with their voice and mouth? clicking tutting humming? Are they loud or quiet sounds.




This week can you make some shadow drawings- take a piece of paper outside and an object. Place it on the paper so it forms a shadow- toy dinosaurs and animals work really well for this. Once you have drawn your shape can you measure it using different items (non standard units). For example how many stones long? How many leaves? How many pieces of pasta? Send some photos to show what shadows you have made. Can you use this opportunity to use mathematical language to compare the sizes of the shadows? eg. longest, shortest, tallest, smallest etc


Please continue to sing number rhymes with your child such as 5 little ducks etc. Youtube have many versions of these. Whilst watching these videos reinforce recognition of numbers.


The Body Coach is also delivering a PE session style workout every morning at 9:00am via his youtube channel. Great fun for all of the family.


Also try these dance activities in Lets Move!

This week try the minibeast dance.


Please send us the work you are doing to our email address. We would love to hear from you.
