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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
Telephone 02920 733694

29th June 2020



This week we are thinking about the sun. Encourage your child to talk in sentences. How does the sun make you feel? What words would you use to describe the sun? 

What colours do you think describes the sun? Think about the fun activities you can do on a sunny day.The sun can be lovely but also dangerous .What would you do to protect yourself from the sun?

Try making a picture of the sun either by using crayons or collage materials.


Encourage your child to mark make maybe by using colours associated with the sun.As a challenge ask your child to try to write the word sun. Let them say  the word  first sounding out the letters  speaking like a robot,

 s - u  -n  then try to write them mark making independently .


Show your child how to form each letter and let them trace the letter to improve handwriting formation. Show your child where to start on the letter .Your child might want to mark make in a multi-sensory way firstly before they are ready to use a pencil. Afternoon Nursery might want to just attempt the s .Remember to let the children write the letters in a large way first.


Morning Nursery  continue  to learn Phase 2 sounds, s a t p i n m d g o c k  ck e u r h b f ff l ll and ss. Look on the Phonics Play Website or the Letters and Sounds  Website for some fun games to play to reinforce the children's sound recognition.

Afternoon Nursery 

Continue to learn about environmental sounds through Phase 1 games on these websites.

Also, play Mrs Gallivan's sound game, see below. 



Listen to the story 'Fun in the Sun' by David Catrow

Ask questions about the story eg What did the cat pack in it's bag? What did the cat do on the beach?

Who was the cat's friend and how did he save the day?

Ask your child to find the words and the pictures on the page.



Ask your child to think about the shape of the sun .It looks like a circle when we draw it. Let the children experiment in drawing circles. Make a set of large circles and a set of small circles. Really in the sky it is a sphere shape.Make a collection of spheres .Order according to size .

Don't forget to keep practising number recognition and counting with your child .This can be built into daily activities like counting stairs and recognising numbers in their environment. 

Top marks Website has some fun number games that the children might enjoy such as Teddie Numbers ,Underwater Counting and The Gingerbread man game.

Don't forget daily singing of number rhymes is an important way of developing awareness of numbers.


Guess This Sound - 1

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