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15th June 2020

Become a Hwb Hero!


Hwb Heroes Assemble! A call to  children and young people to become Hwb Heroes


Wales Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, has launched an initiative to get the children and young people of Wales using their creativity to spread positive and entertaining messages online to older people who are currently self-isolating due to the Covid-19 lockdown.


If you want to take part in this, please follow the link below: 


It would also be great if you send your messages to Mr Stevens or Miss Murray to put in our newsletters too!



Please complete page 13 - Double or single consonants from Schofield and Sims spelling workbook 


Spelling words are attached below. Practice using read, cover, write, check method:



Please complete page 12 – Standard English from Schofield and Sims grammar booklet.


Please complete pages 22-23 – The magic of shells from Schofield and Sims comprehension booklets.


There are writing activities attached below: 


6M literacy -  For this weeks writing activity I would like you to create a reading log about a book of your choice. A reading log is similar to a book review but it gives the review in first person, similar to a diary entry. Your reading log will need to include opinions about the characters, what you thought might happen in the story, what parts you liked and why, what parts you did not like and why along with an evaluation of the story. Please read the WAGOLL below to see a reading log about a book I am reading. Please login onto Microsoft teams to view the assignment and success criteria.


6S literacy - Read chapters 7 and 8 of our class book and answer the reading comprehension questions.

Project X Group - Mrs Williams would like you to read the attached poem and write a paragraph giving your opinion on it, remember to use the opinion sentence starters provided. There is also a comprehension practice to complete too.
