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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
Telephone 02920 733694

18th May 2020

Thrive have just published a really important survey to help children and young people tell Welsh Government how they've felt about lockdown: how it's impacted their health; any worries they've had; how they think it might affect their education; and also any positives they've had from it. It’s something we’ve developed with support from the Welsh Government, Welsh Youth Parliament and Children in Wales. 
It will help Government to respond in the best way to the situation as it develops, and to know how they work with and talk to children and young people during this crisis and beyond. 

We would like ALL pupils to complete this survey, please send your teacher a message to let them know if you've completed it. It closes on the 27th May. 

(Year 2's - If you're not yet 7 years old you can still complete the 7-11 year old survey) 


