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Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track! Let's get attendance back on track!
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This week’s home learning tasks are:



Comprehension books (these were issued to all pupils this term as homework). Only complete the page for the book you’ve been given.

Early Comprehension 2 – page 11 (What are they?)

Early Comprehension 3 – page 11 (Read all about it!)

First Comprehension 1 – page 20-21 (An adventure for brave mouse)



Grammar books (these are newly issued)

Grammar book 2 – page 10 (Statements)


Task 3

Spelling books (previously used in class)

Group 4 - Spelling Book 2 – page 27 (Topic words 1)

Group 3 - Spelling Book 1 – page 33 (Tricky words 5)

Groups 1 & 2 -  Spelling Book 1 - page 10 (More than one syllable)


Task 4

Handwriting Books (previously used in class)

Red Group – Page 29 (Unit 28 - Practising joining -ed and -ing))

Blue Group – Page 16 (Unit 15 - Practising horizontal join to anticlockwise letters: wa, wo)

Yellow Group – Page 8 (Unit 7 - Introducing horizontal join to e: oe, ve)


Task 5

Creative Writing Task - This week you're going to be writing a set of instructions for 'How to make a minibeast sandwich'. Click on the link below to watch the video to help you and give you lots of ideas. First plan you set of ingredients - make them as gross as you can using amazing adjectives. Then think carefully about what you'll need to do to complete each step. 
Remember to use numbered steps, time connectives, bossy verbs and adverbs to help - Check the WAGOLL for a very basic example.

Use the success criteria to check that you've included all the features of a set of instructions. 


You can send your work back to the teachers by logging into Google Classrooms with your child's HWB login or emailing a photo of your writing. 


As usual please continue to read at home with your child. BugClub reading books are available online and teachers can monitor usage and update when new books need issuing.


Well done to those of you continuing to use BugClub to access your Abacus maths tasks. I've also uploaded the Homework Sheet & Problem Solving tasks to Google Classroom so you won't need to print them, you can add your answers digitally if this is easier.

This week's Numeracy tasks all link to money so feel free to explore this practically at home with your own shop or cafe.

Task 1

Abacus Maths Game: Bubble Burst 2 (Skill: Add several 1-digit numbers, Recall number facts to 20; number pairs (4 to 20) and bonds to 10 and 20)


Task 2

Abacus Homework Task: Stat subtracting, Check mate, Count the coins (answer sheet also provided)


Task 3

Abacus Problem Solving: Lines of numbers


Task 4

Abacus Problem Solving iPad game: Posting Costs


Task 5

Abacus Speaking & Listening Task: Money Problems



Optional extras:

Abacus Mastery Checkpoints

Reasoning in the classroom (these are in a folder in our useful websites section)
