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2nd October 2020

BugClub Reading at Home

Please continue to access your child's BugClub account to read daily. 

Your child's log in details are: 

Username: Name4 (e.g. Sam4)
Password: frog4

School code: glyn


We will be monitoring home reading via BugClub as due to Covid 19 restrictions we are unable to send reading records, books and homework tasks home. 

Phonics Play

Please make the most of the last few weeks of using Phonics Play to help your child to build on their phonic knowledge at home. This will help them with reading and writing. 

Free login details available until the 21st March: 


Username: march20
Password: march20 

Sound Mats to support phonics at home

Abacus Maths

This week in maths we have been focused on our Number Bonds to 10. Please have a go at the worksheet below. A game has also been allocated to your BugClub account. 

