Fun Activities
Listed below, you will find a collection of a varied range of activities you may wish to do with your child. The activities are fun, play-based experiences that are cross-curricular.
Useful Websites
Bug Club
All of the children have their own log in for Bug Club where they can access a range of books allocated to them. Please find more details on how to log in on the first page of the 'Homework' section. Also on their area they have been assigned a range of Numeracy resources to support their learning.
Phonics Play
Phonics Play are offering a free log in for use at home. Their website provides a range of resources, activities and games to continue to develop children's phonic knowledge. Children in Reception focus on Phase 2 and 3 sounds.
Username: march20
Password: home
They also offer free decodeable comics that link with the Phase 2 and 3 sounds the children are learning.
Letters and Sounds
A range of free resources and games to continue to develop phonic knowledge.
Teach Your Monster to Read
A range of free resources, games and songs to continue to develop phonic knowledge.
Roy the Zebra
A range of online games to develop literacy skills.
Scholastic Packs
A range of literacy packs, including stories to read and watch and activities to develop comprehension and consolidate learning.
Topmarks Literacy
A range of online literacy games.
Into Film
A range of film guides for popular children's films to prompt discussion after the film, with extension activities to complete.
Oxford Owl
A range of online maths games and activities.
Topmarks Maths
A range of online maths games and activities.
BBC Welsh
A range of online Welsh games and activities.
Seren a Sbarc
Two heroes who encourage children to use Welsh - a range of activities to complete involving the two characters.
Pori Drwy Stori
We have used this resource in school; this website provides some activities to complete at home including listening to stories, rhymes and activities to download.
S4C - Learn and Play
A range of TV shows, apps to download and worksheets to download and complete.
S4C - Cyw
A range of songs, games and activities online linked to Cyw (the S4C block for children)
Useful Welsh Apps to Download
Science Buddies
A range of fun Science experiments that can be completed at home.
Cosmic Kids Yoga
A range of online yoga videos to follow - children are very familiar with these videos.
Just Dance
A range of online dance videos to follow.
Joe Wicks 'The Body Coach'
Every weekday at 9am Joe Wicks will be doing an online workout video for children.
Dance: Key Stage 1 - 'Let's Move'
A range of dance videos online.
Highlights Kids
A range of games and activities including crafts and recipes
Twinkl offers a range of downloadable resources for a range of areas, including literacy , numeracy, topic and various others. It is a subscription service, but many of the resources are free to download when signed up.