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Home Learning School Closure


As part of your home learning pack you will find the high frequency words that the children have already begun to learn. Your child should continue to learn these set by set. Once your child has learnt a set, challenge them to write the word on a piece of paper, focusing on correct spelling. Extend the activity by encouraging them to write the word in a simple sentence.


You will also find Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds. Continue to work on learning these sounds by sight and writing them correctly. Again, you can challenge your child to write these sounds in words and then in sentences should you feel they need extending.


Practise number recognition and formation to 20 or beyond if able. You can make this fun by doing activities such as writing numbers on pieces of paper, hiding them and then going on a number hunt!


Literacy and Maths workbooks have been provided and we will be allocating pages from these workbooks on a weekly basis. Your child has also been given a handwriting book, where again pages will be allocated on a weekly basis (please find below guidance on letter writing).  In addition to this, please visit Bug Club for regular reading (logins are in the front of reading records) where the children have been allocated books. Your child has also been allocated activities on Abacus which you can access through the ActiveLearn Primary website.


It might be worthwhile to also take this opportunity to use this time at home to get involved in special activities with your children. Use this shared time at home to take part in art activities, cookery, gardening and craft activities. Encourage them to write letters that can be posted to relatives that may be self-isolating alone.


Model answers for the workbooks will be provided at the end of the week in the following week's homework folder.


To contact your child's teachers:

Email address are provided for you to contact your child's teachers to show them the home learning your child has done or with any queries you may have.  We have also provided contact forms that will send us a message directly under the 'Contact the Teacher' page.


What have you been up to?

Send your photo updates to your class teachers and we'll post them to share.

(By sending your photos, you are agreeing for them to be published on the website for others to see.)

Bug Club Reading

We hope that you and your child will enjoy using this fantastic resource, Bug Club is a finely-levelled reading scheme which ensures that all children can find books at exactly the right level for them. 

Using the online reading world

If you have access to an internet connection, your child can enjoy reading Bug Club books online. Each child has a unique homepage and can log into it by following these steps:


1. Go to


2. Enter the login details;


Miss Roberts' Class

username: Name3

password: pin3  (new joiners pin34)

school code: glyn


Miss Woolfall's Class

username: Name3

password: sat3  (new joiners sat34)

school code: glyn


3. Your child’s homepage will appear.


We allocate books to your child according to their reading levels. These books will appear in the ‘My Stuff’ area of their personal homepages. Throughout the books there are quiz questions for your child to complete. To answer a question, just click on the bug icon. Your child does not need to finish all the quiz questions in one sitting and can come back to a book later.

Handwriting Guidance


Please find below guidance on how to form letters from our school handwriting scheme.

Creative Homework Letter
